Help Menu

The Help menu is available in the application toolbar to provide access to the following product support options. Open the menu by clicking the Help icon The Help icon is represented as a question mark inside a circle..


Select the Help entry in the menu to launch the Oracle Help Center in a new tab. The application will automatically navigate to the context-sensitive help information within the help center. Alternatively, use the following shortcut key to launch help directly.

Keyboard Shortcut

Prepare Issue Details

Select the Prepare Issue Details entry in the menu to launch a script to capture details of an error that needs to be reported. Refer to Prepare Issue Details for more information on this option.

Enable | Disable Debug

If you have security access to the application service F1OUDBUG, you will see an option in the menu related to debug mode depening on its current state. If debug mode is currently not enabled, the entry says Enable Debug, otherwise it says Disable Debug.


Select the About entry in the menu to display a window that describes the current release information for your version of your product.

The about window shows a variety of information including:

  • The logged in user ID
  • The list of products installed in the application along with the release ID. This information comes from the installation record. Note that in a Cloud installation, only the Cloud product name and release ID are displayed. The details of the products that make up the Cloud installation are not displayed (but are still visible on the installation record).