How Does A Field Activity Type Profile Get Used?

A field activity type profile contains:

  • A list of the types of field activity requests that can be made for service points.
  • A matrix defining the specific activity type(s) to generate in order to start service, stop service, or disconnect due to nonpayment.

You may wonder how field activity type profiles get related to your service points. It's a little indirect, but the indirection provides a great deal of flexibility:

  • Every service point references an SP type.
  • Every SP type references the specific field activity type profile used by the start/stop and credit and collections process to generate field activity requests.

An example will help illustrate how this works:

  • When you start service at a specific service point, the system extracts the service point's SP type.
  • Then, the system determines the field activity type profile that is to be used on this SP type.
  • And finally, it generates the appropriate field activity request.