Statement Construct - Main

Open this page using Menu > Customer Information > Statement Construct > Search.

Description of Page

Statement Construct is a concatenation of summary information about this record. It is composed of the name of the statement person, the print description and the status.

Statement Construct ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this statement construct.

Person ID is the person who receives the future statements.


A person may be linked to many statement construct records.

Status indicates whether or not this person is currently receiving statements. The values are Active and Inactive.


Refer to Lifecycle of a Statement Construct for more information.

Address Source indicates where the source of the statement's address. The values are Person and Mailing Premise. If the value is person, the person's mailing address is used. If the value is mailing premise, indicate the Mailing Premise to use.

Statement Cycle controls when statements are produced for this statement construct. Refer to Statement Cycle for a description of how the production schedule is maintained.

Statement Route Type controls how the statement is routed to the Person (e.g., via email, postal service, EDI, etc.). Refer to Statement Route Type for more information on setting up statement route types.

Number of Copies indicates how many copies of the statement the person wishes to receive.

Statement Format indicates if the person receives a Detailed or a Summary statement.


The values for this field are customizable using the Lookup table. The values need to match the formats supported by your statement print software. This field name is STM_​FORMAT_​FLG.

Print Description is a brief description that can be printed on the statement.

The tree shows the statement construct's details. The nodes expand to show account, premise and service agreement information for the construct details.


Large statement constructs. The tree is hard to use if the statement construct has many details. In this situation, transfer to the adjacent tab page and use the filter to restrict the details that are shown.