Setting Up Bill Factor Characteristics

After defining general information about a bill factor, open Menu > Rates > Bill Factor > Search and navigate to the Bill Factor Characteristics page to define characteristic values where applicable. For example, a bill factor used to levy the applicable city tax would require the definition of every city that levies a tax.


If all values for a bill factor are specified in contract terms, you do not need to set up Bill Factor Characteristics.

Description of Page

Enter a Characteristic Type to indicate the type of characteristic that controls how the bill factor's value is defined. This field will be disabled if Bill Factor Characteristics are specified in the following grid.

The Characteristic Source defines where the system retrieves the characteristic value at billing time. The Characteristic Source options are:


The characteristic type's value will be retrieved from the service agreement's account.

Characteristic Collection

Refer to Deriving / Passing In Characteristic Values for an explanation of this value.

Main Person

The characteristic type's value will be retrieved from the main person linked to the service agreement's account.


The characteristic type's value is the same for all customers using the rate. If this option is used, you must still choose a Characteristic Type. This Characteristic Type should have a single Characteristic Value. The ID of the characteristic value must be identical to the ID of the characteristic type.


The characteristic type's value will be retrieved from the service agreement's characteristic premise.


The characteristic type's value will be retrieved from the service agreement.


The characteristic type's value will be retrieved from the customer's service point. If multiple service points are linked to the service agreement, one will be chosen at random.

Use the add and remove buttons to define the Characteristic Values that are relevant for the bill factor's Characteristic Type. For example, if the bill factor is used to levy a city tax, you would define the city's that have a city tax in the above collection.

Use the Minutes Per Interval if your Bill Factor is of type Interval. This defines, for each characteristic value, the number of minutes expected between each record of interval data.

Use the External ID if the values for this characteristic are interfaced to the system from an external source and you want to record an identifier for the source.


If the bill factor's value is the same for all customers, you still must link a "dummy" characteristic value to the bill factor. In other words, you'll have to create a characteristic type called "n/a" and define for it a characteristic value of "n/a". Then, on the bill factor, you reference the "n/a" characteristic type and on the above window, you indicate a characteristic value of "n/a".