Provision Users with SCIM Open Standard

The product provides a REST web service F1-SCIMUser (SCIM User Provisioning) that supports adding, changing or viewing details of a user where the API follows the SCIM standard.

The following points highlight some of the mapping between the SCIM API and the application's user record.

  • The user record in the application supports only first name and last name. The SCIM standard supports additional detail such as middle name, suffix and prefix. These elements are ignored when adding or updating a user.
  • The SCIM standard supports a collection of email addresses. The application only supports one email address. As such, only the first email address is used when adding or updating a user.
  • The integration relies on the use of a Template User so that the user is created with appropriate application configuration associated with each user. The system copies application settings from the template user to the new user being provisioned. If the external system is able to support referencing a template user such that it can be provided with the payload, the integration expects the user type element in the API to reference the template user. If it's not possible to provide a template user ID in the user type element, you should define a default template user using an algorithm parameter. Refer to Template User for more information.

Refer to the web service definition for more information about the supported integration.

Template User Functionality

The user object in this product captures configuration used to control access but also preferences. The identify management product allows for extending the configuration to capture user configuration that is specific to this product. However, it does not support providing searches or dropdowns to select valid values. For example, to define the user’s Home Page requires the reference to a navigation option. To set up your business process such that the home page is configured when defining the user in the identity management product dictates that the security user types in the correct navigation option reference.

On the other hand, to define a minimal amount of user information in the identity management product may result in a two step process for defining users: first define them in the identity management product with the basic authentication details and setting system defaults for some important fields, then after submitting the new user to be added to this product, navigate to the user page in this product and fill in all the configuration that is specific to this product.

The product provides support for defining a template that can facilitate the definition of users and reduce some of the challenges listed above. Refer to Template User for information about defining template users along with other details around this functionality.

Once you have template users defined, you should look at extending the configuration in the identity manager product.

  • Map the information that is unique to a user and in addition, define a field for the template user. For example, you may choose to only capture the Name (first and last), Email address and User IDs for the user along with its Template User (which is mapped to a user characteristic). Additional fields may be included for capture in the identity management product when defining new users as per an implementation’s business needs. For example, if the organization covers multiple time zones, perhaps it is easier to define the user’s time zone when defining the user in the identity management product.

  • When the new user is uploaded to the system, the algorithm used by the system to create the user looks for the existence of a template user sent as a characteristic of type F1-TMUSR.

  • Once the new user is created, its configuration can now be adjusted, if applicable.

Note: There is configuration needed in Oracle Identity Management to capture the template user and any other information that the implementation has chosen to define in the identity management product when provisioning a new user. Refer to the Identity Management Suite Integration technical reference paper for more information.