Maintaining Interval Price Sets

You use the Interval Price Set portal to display and maintain interval price sets and interval prices

Refer to About Interval Price Sets for more information.

You can access the portal from Menu, select Interval Price, then select Interval Price Set. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching for a specific record. Once an interval price set has been selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.

The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page:

  • Interval Price Set: This zone displays the selected interval price set.

  • Interval Prices: This zone displays the individual interval prices for the interval price set.

Maintaining Interval Prices

You use the Interval Prices zone to maintain interval prices for an interval price set. You can either manually add or upload prices.

To manually add prices, click Add in the upper right corner of the zone. The Interval Prices Add dialog opens. The Interval Price Set ID is prepopulated based on the interval price set.

  • Enter the Price Date/Time and Price values for each interval price in the Interval Prices section.

  • Click Save to save the interval prices.

To upload prices, click Upload in the upper right corner of the zone. The Interval Prices Upload dialog opens. The Interval Price Set ID and Target Time Zone are prepopulated based on the interval price set.

  • Select the Source Time Format (Local or Standard) for the price data.

    • Local : Date/time values adjusted to "Standard" time (reflecting DST if applicable) and both are captured on the Measurement table

    • Standard: Date/time values are captured in both Standard and Local time on the Measurement table

  • Specify the Source Time Zone for the price data. This is the time zone from which the price data originated. This allows for conversion to the time zone defined for the interval price set.

  • To upload prices, click Choose File to search for and select a comma separated values (CSV) file containing price data and click Submit. The Interval Prices Upload dialog will display the price data contained in the file. Note that you can edit the price data before saving it.

  • Click Saveto save the interval prices.

Note: You can add prices using both manual entry and upload, but uploading data will overwrite existing prices for the same date/time.

To update one or more prices, select the price(s) to update and click Edit. The Price dialog opens displaying the selected prices. Edit the prices as needed and click OK. Click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes.

To delete one or more prices, select the price(s) to delete and click Delete. The Price dialog opens asking you to confirm the deletion. Click OK to delete the selected prices. Click Cancel to close the dialog without deleting the prices.

Interval Prices File Format

The file format used to upload interval prices are comma separated values (CSV) files with the data described in the following table. The field names in the Field column must included in the first row of the input file.


Data Type

Sample Content





Date and time for the interval price




Interval price amount

Sample File

The following is a sample file for interval prices spanning a six hour event.

dt,value 2023-02-11-12.00.00,0.35 2023-02-11-13.00.00,0.35 2023-02-11-14.00.00,0.35 2023-02-11-15.00.00,0.35 2023-02-11-16.00.00,0.35 2023-02-11-17.00.00,0.35