Account - Main Information

The Main page contains core account information. Open this page using Menu > Customer Information > Account > Search.

Description of Page

The primary name of the Account's main customer and the Account ID are displayed on every tab in this page. These values only appear after the account exists on the database. The Account ID is a system-assigned random number that stays with an account for life.


Formatting may be performed by a plug-in. The basic information about an account that appears at the top of this page (and on many other pages in the system) may be formatted by a plug-in algorithm on the installation record. Refer to the base package's account information algorithm (C1–AC-INFO) for an example. If you prefer different formatting logic, your system administrator should configure the system appropriately.

A "check digit" is displayed adjacent to the account ID. This is for information purposes only, and is not needed to operate the system. The following points describe how the check digit is calculated for an Account ID equal to 0011883422

  • Calculate the sum of the first and every alternate digit in the account id. A = 14 = 0+1+8+3+2
  • Calculate the sum of the second and every alternate digit in the Account ID and multiply by 2. For example, B = 30 = (0 + 1 + 8 + 4 + 2) * 2
  • Add A and B. For example, C = 44 = 14 + 30
  • Count the number of digits used to calculate B that are greater than 4. For example, D = 1 since only 8 is greater than 4.
  • Multiply D by 9. For example, E = 9 = 1 x 9
  • Subtract E from C. For example, F = 35 = 44 - 9
  • Subtract the units position of F from 10 to find the check digit. For example, check digit = 5 = 10 - 5 (5 is subtracted from 10 because F = 35 and there the units position is 5).

Technical note. The above is calculated in the common routine called CIPCACDN .

Set Up Date is the date the account was initially set up. This is purely informational.

Currency Code defines the currency in which the account's financial transactions are expressed. All rates and payments associated with this account must be denominated in this currency.


Default note. The currency defaults from the Installation Record and may be overridden here.

Customer Class plays a part in:

  • If and when a customer is subject to late payment charges.
  • The account's default collection class and when the account debt monitor reviews an account. Refer to The Big Picture of Credit & Collections for more information about how and when an account's debt is reviewed.
  • And several other functions. Refer to and Setting Up Customer Classes for more information.

Default note. The customer class defaults from Installation Options - Account (Person Customer Class) and may be overridden at will. If you have set the Installation Option CIS Division Control flag, the customer class defaults first from the CIS Division and then from the Installation Record. When this option is set, the CIS Division is shown on the page before customer class. You may only select Customer Classes with the account’s CIS Division.

CIS Division defines the jurisdiction that governs this account. You may only select CIS Divisions associated with the account's Customer Class . If you have set the Installation Option CIS Division Control flag, you need to choose the CIS Division before choosing the Customer Class. The values are restricted to the user’s CIS Division(s). See Users and CIS Division ngfor more information. The value is defaulted to user’s primary CIS Division. This field is updated behind the scenes every time a service agreement is activated (the system uses the CIS Division associated with the service agreement's SA type). If you have assigned a CIS Division and do not want the system to change it when a service agreement is activated, turn on Protect CIS Division. If the CIS Division’s Restrict to Account CIS Division flag is set to Restricted, the Protect CIS Division is turned on and cannot be turned off.


CIS Division governs many functions. An account's CIS Division impacts its subsequent bill due dates, late payment charge dates, credit & collections review dates, its default budget plan, the roles assigned to To Do entries, and the calendar of workdays. Refer to Setting Up CIS Divisions and Setting Up Customer Classes for more information.

Access Group controls which users are allowed to view and update this account's information (including bills, service agreements, payments, and premises). The system defaults this value from one of three sources, stopping after an access group is determined. The first is the Customer Class Control – Determine Access Group system event. The next is the access group defined directly on Customer Class Control. Lastly, it is defaulted from the user's default access group . Refer to The Big Picture of Row Security for a complete description of how account security is implemented in the system.

The optional Account Management Group controls the roles assigned to To Do entries associated with an account. Refer to Setting Up Account Management Groups for more information.

Enter a Comment to define unusual information about the account. If this field is populated, an alert will highlight such in the Alert Zone.

Bill Cycle controls when a bill is produced for an account. This field is updated behind the scenes every time a service agreement with a service point is activated. The route the system takes to do this update is as follows:

  • It looks for all service points linked to the service agreement.
  • It extracts the service cycle from one of the service points.
  • Finally, it takes the bill cycle from the service cycle.

The list of bill cycles is restricted to those without a CIS Division and those with a CIS Division that matches the account’s CIS Division. When the account does not have a CIS Division, the list is not restricted.

While this is a little complicated, it makes sense because it keeps the bill cycle in sync with the service cycle.

If you have assigned a bill cycle and do not want the system to change the bill cycle when a service agreement is activated, turn on Protect Bill Cycle.

If you want to stall billing until after some future date, enter the date in Bill After. Note that the bill’s cutoff date should be after this date, for the account to bill.

Mailing Premise ID defines the address on bills for persons who have their bill sent to the account's mailing premise. This field may be updated behind the scenes when a service agreement is activated. The word "may" is used because the system will only update an account's mailing premise if there are no active service agreements currently linked to the account. Refer to Account - Person Information for more information about how to define where a person has their correspondence and bills sent.

If you do not want the mailing premise to change when a service agreement is activated, turn on Protect Mailing Premise.

If a user should review the account's printed bills before they are sent to the customer in an on-going basis, enter this user’s ID in Bill Print Intercept. This User ID will then be copied to future Bill - Bill Routing pages when they are created. If the user no longer desires to intercept future bills, their User ID can be removed from this field.

The balances shown in the scroll are the total amounts of debt belonging to every debt class linked to the account's service agreements. The following information is displayed:

  • Debt Class is the debt class associated with the account's service agreement(s).
  • Current Balance is the amount of debt the customer currently owes.
  • Payoff Balance is the amount the customer would owe if they wanted to pay off their debt.

To see summary information about the service agreements that contribute to the financial totals click the go to button adjacent to the respective amount.


If you do not understand the difference between payoff balance and current balance, refer to Current Amount versus Payoff Amount.