Configuring Aggregation Groups

This portal is used to display and maintain aggregation groups.

You can access the portal by selecting Admin, then Aggregation, Aggregation Group.

The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page:

  • Aggregation Group List: This zone lists all aggregation group records. Broadcast a record to display the details of the selected record.
  • Aggregation Group: This zone provides information about a selected aggregation group. The Record Actions section of this zone includes the following options:
    • Click Delete All Measurements to clear the measurements of all measuring component sets of the aggregation group. This runs the Clean up Aggregation Group (D1-CLAGP) batch process using the "Measurement Only" (MSRMTONLY ) Purge Option.
    • Click Delete All MC Set Data to clear all data for all measuring component sets of the aggregation group. This runs the Clean up Aggregation Group (D1-CLAGP) batch process using the "All" (ALL ) Purge Option.
    • Click Delete All Aggregation Runs to clears all aggregation group runs of the aggregation group. This runs the Clean Up Aggregation Group Runs (D1-AGGRC) batch process.

    See Batch Processing below for more information about the batch processes used by these options.

  • Aggregation Measuring Component Sets: This zone lists measuring component sets associated with the selected aggregation group. Click Resequence to change the order of the measuring component sets in the aggregation group. Click Add to add a new measuring component set to the aggregation group.
    • Click Delete Measurements to delete the measurements of the measuring component Set. This runs the Clean up Aggregation Group (D1-CLAGP) batch process using the "Measurement Only" (MSRMTONLY ) Purge Option for the measuring component.
    • Click Delete MC Set Data to delete all data of the measuring component set. This runs the Clean up Aggregation Group (D1-CLAGP) batch process using the "All" (ALL ) Purge Option for the measuring component.

    See Batch Processing below for more information about the batch processes used by these options.

  • Aggregation Group Run: This zone lists individual aggregation runs performed for the selected aggregation group. Broadcast a record to display the details of the selected record. This zone displays up to 10 records. If there are more than 10 records, use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate between pages of records. Click Add to execute an ad hoc aggregation group run.
    • Click Delete Run to delete the aggregation group run. This runs the Clean Up Aggregation Group Runs (D1-AGGRC) batch process for the aggregation group run. Not applicable for aggregation group runs currently "In Progress". See Batch Processing below for more information about the batch processes used by this option.
    • Click Cancel Run to cancel an "In Progress" aggregation group run. Applicable only for aggregation group runs currently "In Progress".
  • Aggregation Group Run Details: This zone displays details for a selected aggregation group run.
    • Click Clear Batch Runs to clear any batch runs that have been run. This clears dimension scan batch run and aggregation batch run details.
    • Click Restart to restart the aggregation group run. Available only for aggregation group runs in "Error" (see the Aggregation Batch Run column)

The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Settlement Batch Run Statistics tab page:

  • Settlement Batch Run Statistics: This zone displays details regarding batch processes run for aggregation groups.

Batch Processing (NEW SECTION)

Several of the options available for maintaining aggregation group runs are based on specific batch processes. This section provides additional details regarding these.

Clean up Aggregation Group (D1-CLAGP)

The Clean up Aggregation Group (D1-CLAGP) batch process can be used to purge aggregation group data and can perform either of the following:
  • Clean up the aggregation group's measuring component set(s)' aggregator measuring components and their aggregated measurements
  • Clean up a specific measuring component set's aggregator measuring components and their aggregated measurements

Parameters used by this batch process include the following:

  • Restrict by Aggregation Group (restrictToAggregationGroup): (Required) The code for the aggregation group for which data is purged. This limits the clean up to aggregators linked to this aggregation group's measuring component sets.
  • Restrict by MC Set (restrictToMCSet): The code for the measuring component set for which data is purged. This limits the clean up to the specific aggregation group's measuring component set. If not provided, all the aggregation group's measuring component sets will be included in the purge process.
  • Purge Option (purgeOption): (Required) Specifies the mode in which data is purged. Options include:
    • MSRMTONLY: - Purge measurement data only
    • ALL: Purge all measurement data, any settlement items related to the measuring component, any attribute data snapshots related to the settlement item, attribute value related to the Settlement Item, any related measuring component participants (aggregators)

Clean Up Aggregation Group Runs (D1-AGGRC)

The Clean Up Aggregation Group Runs (D1-AGGRC) batch process can be used to purge either a single aggregation group run or all aggregation group runs of an aggregation group. Note this process does NOT purge the corresponding data such as measurements, settlement items, and so. Purging data can be performed using the Clean up Aggregation Group (D1-CLAGP) batch process.

Parameters used by this batch process include the following:

  • Restrict by Aggregation Group (restrictToAggregationGroup): (Required) The code for the aggregation group for which aggregation group runs are pursed. This limits the clean up to aggregation group runs linked to this aggregation group
  • Restrict by Aggregation Group Run (restrictToAggregationGroupRun): The code for a specific aggregation group run that will be cleaned up.