Using Unified Search

The Unified Search feature allows you use the toolbar search field to search for business entities as well as search for menu items. See Unified Search in theUser Interface Standard Features section for more information about the general use of the unified search field.

In Oracle Utilities Customer To Meter and Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service, the Unified Search field allows searching by a service point's address (Address), a contact (Name), an account ID (Account ID), a customer identifier (ID Number), contact information such as a phone number or email address (Contact Info) or a meter’s badge number (Badge Number) or serial number (Serial Number).

You can use the following filters to indicate your specific search criteria:


Filter Rules


One or more numeric characters followed by space and an alphanumeric character


Minimum of 5 characters excluding whitespaces

Account ID

10 numeric characters

ID Number

Social Security Number: 3 numeric characters followed by a dash, 2 numeric characters, a dash and 4 numeric characters

Contact Info

Phone Number: Plus character and 1-3 numeric characters (country code, optional) followed by a space, period, dash or open parentheses, 3 numeric characters (area code), followed by a space, period, dash or close parentheses, followed by 3 numeric characters (exchange code), followed by a space, period or dash, followed by 4 numeric characters (subscriber number).

Email Address: Non-whitespace characters followed by an @ sign, non-whitespace characters, a period, non-whitespace characters

Badge Number

Minimum of 5 characters excluding whitespaces 

Serial Number

Minimum of 5 characters excluding whitespaces

For example, to search for a service point located at 1401 Flower Street, you could enter “1401 Flower”.

To search explicitly using a specific filter, precede the filter value with one of the following predefined hints:






ad:1401 Flower



n:Smith, J

Account ID



ID Number



Contact Info



Badge Number



Serial Number




  • To search for a service point located at 1401 Flower Street, you could enter "ad:1401 Flower" (hint) or “1401 Flower” (no hint)

  • To search for a person named John Smith, you could enter "n:Smith, J" (hint) or “Smith,J” (no hint)

  • To search for a person whose phone number is 555-2287 , you could enter "c:555-2287" (hint) or “555–2287” (no hint)

  • To search for a meter whose badge number is 12345, you could enter "bn:12345" (hint) or “12345” (no hint)

  • To search for a meter whose serial number is 6789, you could enter "sn:6789" (hint) or “6789” (no hint)

Clicking the Advanced Search link opens the Customer 360 Search portal and the Customer 360 Search zone.

Fore information about configuring the Unified Search for your implementation, refer to Understanding Unified Search in the Administrative User Guide.

Search Results

Each result in the search result list may include any of the following:

  • Name (highlighted when using the Name filter) or “No Person Information”

  • Address (highlighted when using the Address filter) or “No Premise Information”

  • Account ID (highlighted when using the Account ID filter) or “No Account Information”

  • ID number (highlighted when using the ID Number filter) or “No Contact Information”

  • Contact Info (highlighted when using the Contact Info filter) or “No Contact Information”

  • Measuring Component Info (highlighted when using the Badge Number or Serial Number filter)

  • Filter Name and Search Criteria (always displayed)

To select an item from the search results, click the result.