Using the Meter Health Check Tab

The Meter Health Check tab includes a set of zones displaying data related to initial measurement processing and quality. These include:

Click Configure to navigate to the Meter Health Check Dashboard Configuration master configuration. See Configuring the Meter Health Check Dashboard in the Administrative User Guide for information regarding configuration of the dashboard.

IMD Processing Trend

The IMD Processing Trend zone displays the number of initial measurements and calculated numbers of constituent measurements for each day in the selected time period. The x-axis displays individual dates during the selected period. The left y-axis shows the average and maximum number of measurements per initial measurement. The right y-axis shows the number of initial measurements. The graph shows the following:

  • IMD Records: The number of initial measurements processed on each day in the selected time period.

  • Average Measurements: The average number of measurement values (for example, individual interval values) per initial measurement on each day in the selected time period. This is calculated by dividing the number of measurements in all of the initial measurements on the day in question by the number of initial measurements on the day in question. The number of measurements is based on the Start Date/Time, End Date/Time, and the interval size of each initial measurement.

  • Maximum Measurements: The maximum number of measurement values (for example, individual interval values) per initial measurement on each day in the selected time period. This is calculated by dividing the largest number of measurements in all of the initial measurements on the day in question by the number of initial measurements on the day in question. The number of measurements is based on the Start Date/Time, End Date/Time, and the interval size of each initial measurement.

You can filter the data displayed using the following controls:

  • Period View: Specifies the range of data displayed. Options include Thirty Days, Seven Days, Three Days, or One Day. The default is "Seven Days".

  • Division: Specifies the division of the initial measurements displayed in the graph. The default is "Show All".

  • Interval/Scalar: Specifies whether the graph should display only interval initial measurements, scalar initial measurements, or both. The default is "Show All".

  • Business Object: Specifies the initial measurement business object(s) related to the initial measurements displayed in the graph. The default is "Show All".

  • Status: Specifies the status (Pending, VEE Ready, Exception, Error, Finalized, and so on) of the initial measurements displayed in the graph. The default is "Show All".

  • Data Source: Specifies the data source (if any) of the initial measurements displayed in the graph. The default is "Show All".

Click on the labels on the legend below the graph to hide/show specific metrics.

This zone displays data from statistics snapshots based on the IMD Processing Snapshot - Hourly (D1-IMDProcessingHourly) business object. The Snapshot Date/Time drop-down list (in the lower right corner of the zone) lists all currently available snapshots based on this business object. Filtering options are based on data available in the snapshot. For example, if all of the initial measurements processed for a specific snapshot are all interval initial measurements, the "scalar" option wouldn't appear in the Interval/Scalar drop-down list.

Other metrics, including File Count (the number of payload files processed) and Total Measurements, Average Age, and Maximum Age can be viewed from the statistics snapshot.

Click Capture (next to Snapshot Date/Time in the lower right corner of the zone) to navigate to the Statistics Control portal where you can view a list of snapshots for the statistics control, view details of a specific snapshot, and create a new snapshot if needed.

IMD Processing Detail

The IMD Processing Detail zone displays details from the most recent snapshot based on the IMD Processing Snapshot - Hourly (D1-IMDProcessingHourly) business object. By default this zone displays a tabular view of the data from the snapshot, with each row in the table representing a unique combination of business object, interval/scalar flag, and status. This table includes the following:

  • Date Time: The date and time on which the initial measurements captured in the row were processed

  • Business Object: The business object of the initial measurements captured in the row

  • Interval/Scalar: A flag designating if the data captured in the row is interval (D1IN) or scalar (D1SC)

  • Status: The status of the initial measurements captured in the row

  • Description: A description of the initial measurements captured in the row

  • IMD Records: The number of initial measurements processed for the unique combination of business object, interval/scalar, and status captured in the row

  • Average Measurements: The average number of measurements (Total Measurements divided by IMD Records) per initial measurement captured in the row

  • Maximum Measurements: The maximum number of measurements per initial measurement captured in the row 

  • Total Measurements: The total number of measurements values in the initial measurements captured in the row

To view a bar chart version of this data, click the Bar icon (to the upper right of the table).

IMD Quality Trend

The IMD Quality Trend zone displays the number of Validation, Editing, and Estimation (VEE) exceptions and calculated numbers of measurements for each day in the selected time period. The x-axis displays individual dates during the selected period. The left y-axis shows the average and maximum number of measurements per initial measurement. The right y-axis shows the number of VEE exceptions. The graph shows the following:

  • VEE Exceptions: The number of VEE exceptions processed on each day in the selected time period.

  • Average Measurements: The average number of measurement values (for example, individual interval values) per initial measurement on each day in the selected time period. This is calculated by dividing the number of measurements in all of the initial measurements on the day in question by the number of initial measurements on the day in question. The number of measurements is based on the Start Date/Time, End Date/Time, and the interval size of each initial measurement.

  • Maximum Measurements: The maximum number of measurement values (for example, individual interval values) per initial measurement on each day in the selected time period. This is calculated by dividing the largest number of measurements in all of the initial measurements on the day in question by the number of initial measurements on the day in question. The number of measurements is based on the Start Date/Time, End Date/Time, and the interval size of each initial measurement.

You can filter the data displayed using the following controls:

  • Period View: Specifies the range of data displayed. Options include Thirty Days, Seven Days, Three Days, or One Day. The default is "Seven Days".

  • Division: Specifies the division of the initial measurements displayed in the graph. The default is "Show All".

  • Interval/Scalar: Specifies whether the graph should display data for only interval initial measurements, scalar initial measurements, or both. The default is "Show All".

  • Business Object: Specifies the initial measurement business object(s) related to the data displayed in the graph. The default is "Show All".

  • Excepti0on Type: Specifies the exception type (Insufficient Input Data, Device Identifier Discrepancy, and so on) of the VEE exceptions displayed in the graph. The default is "Show All".

  • Data Source: Specifies the data source (if any) of the the data displayed in the graph. The default is "Show All".

Click on the labels on the legend below the graph to hide/show specific metrics.

This zone displays data from statistics snapshots based on the IMD Quality Snapshot - Hourly (D1-IMDQualityHourly) business object. The Snapshot Date/Time drop-down list (in the lower right corner of the zone) lists all currently available snapshots based on this business object. Filtering options are based on data available in the snapshot. For example, if all of the VEE exceptions processed for a specific snapshot are all based on interval initial measurements, the "scalar" option wouldn't appear in the Interval/Scalar drop-down list.

Other metrics, including File Count (the number of payload files processed) and Total Measurements, Average Age, and Maximum Age can be viewed from the statistics snapshot.

Click Capture (next to Snapshot Date/Time in the lower right corner of the zone) to navigate to the Statistics Control portal where you can view a list of snapshots for the statistics control, view details of a specific snapshot, and create a new snapshot if needed.

IMD Quality Details

The IMD Quality Detail zone displays details from the most recent snapshot based on the IMD Quality Snapshot - Hourly (D1-IMDQualityHourly) business object. By default this zone displays a tabular view of the data from the snapshot, with each row in the table representing a unique combination of business object, interval/scalar flag, and status. This table includes the following:

  • Date Time: The date and time on which the VEE exceptions captured in the row were processed

  • Business Object: The business object of the initial measurements on which the VEE exceptions captured in the row are based

  • Interval /Scalar: A flag designating if the VEE exceptions captured in the row are based on interval (D1IN) or scalar (D1SC) initial measurements

  • Exception Type: The exception type of the VEE exceptions captured in the row

  • Description: A description of the VEE exception type captured in the row

  • VEE Exceptions: The number of VEE exceptions processed for the unique combination of business object, interval/scalar, and exception type captured in the row

  • Average Measurements: The average number of measurements (Total Measurements divided by VEE Exceptions) per initial measurement on which the VEE exceptions captured in the row are based

  • Maximum Measurements: The maximum number of measurements per initial measurement on which the VEE exceptions captured in the row are based

  • Total Measurements: The total number of measurements values in the initial measurements on which the VEE exceptions captured in the row are based

To view a bar chart version of this data, click the Bar icon (to the upper right of the table).

IMD Control Seeder Overview

The IMD Control Seeder Trend zone displays details from the most recent snapshot based on the IMD Control Seeder – Hourly (D1-IMDCtrlSeeder) business object. By default this zone displays a pie chart of the data from the snapshot, with each segment in the chart representing a unique combination of business object, interval/scalar flag, and message category and number.

To view a table version of this data, click the Grid icon (to the upper right of the table). The tabular version of this data can also be seen in the IMD Control Seeder Trend zone.

IMD Control Seeder Trend

The IMD Control Seeder Trend zone displays details from the most recent snapshot based on the IMD Control Seeder – Hourly (D1-IMDCtrlSeeder) business object. By default this zone displays a tabular view of the data from the snapshot, with each row in the table representing a unique combination of business object, interval/scalar flag, and message category and number. This table includes the following:

  • Date Time: The date and time on which the initial measurements captured in the row were processed
  • Business Object: The business object of the initial measurements captured in the row
  • Interval/Scalar: A flag designating if the data captured in the row is interval (D1IN) or scalar (D1SC)
  • Message Category: The message category for the exceptions associated with the IMD seeders captured in the row

  • Message Number: The message number for the exceptions associated with the IMD seeders captured in the row

  • Message Text: The message text for the exceptions associated with the IMD seeders captured in the row

  • IMD Records: The number of initial measurements processed for the unique combination of business object, interval/scalar, and status captured in the row
  • Average Measurements: The average number of measurements (Total Measurements divided by IMD Records) per initial measurement captured in the row
  • Maximum Measurements: The maximum number of measurements per initial measurement captured in the row
  • Total Measurements: The total number of measurements values in the initial measurements captured in the row

To view a bar chart version of this data, click the Bar icon (to the upper right of the table).