Defining Scripts

The script maintenance portal is used to maintain your scripts.

You can access the portal from the Admin Menu > System > Script. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching for a specific script. Once a script has been selected you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.

Scripts may be of the following types: BPA Script, Plug-In Script, Groovy Library Script and Service Script. Refer to The Big Picture Of BPA Scripts and The Big Picture Of Server Based Scripts for more information.

CAUTION: Important! If you introduce a new script, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.

The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page.

  • Script. This zone provides information about the selected script. Refer to Securing Script Execution for more information.
  • Steps. Use this zone to review and maintain the script's steps. You may update a single step or maintain all steps as a list. Refer to How To Set Up Each Step Type for an overview of the step types.

The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Schema tab page. This tab page only appears for service scripts and BPA Scripts.

  • Schema Editor. This zone allows you to edit the script's schema using the Schema Designer tool. The purpose of the schema is to describe the data elements passed to and from the script.
    Fastpath: Refer to Schema Syntax and UI Hint syntax for a complete list of the XML nodes and attributes available to you when you construct a schema.
    Tip: Click the View Schema hyperlink to view the business object's expanded schema definition. Doing this opens the schema viewer window.

The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Data Areas tab page. This tab page does not appear for Groovy Library scripts or plug-in scripts using the Groovy engine version.

  • Data Areas. Use this zone to define the data areas used to pass information to and from the server or any other data area describing your temporary storage. Click on the View Data Area action to view the data area's schema in the schema viewer window.

The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Eligibility tab page. This tab page only appears for BPA scripts configured with the Eligibility Option set to Apply Eligibility Criteria.

  • Script Eligibility. Use this zone to define a BPA script's eligibility rules. Refer to the guidelines under The Big Picture Of Script Eligibility for more information on how to define this information.

The following zones may appear as part of the portal's References tab page.

  • Script References. This zone list various configuration entities referencing the current script or its schema.


The page supports the following special actions:

  • View Schema. Click this link to view the script's expanded schema definition. Doing this opens the schema viewer window. This action is only available for BPA scripts and service scripts.
  • View Script As Text. Click this link to view the internal scripting commands in a separate window.
  • Test. Use this action to test your service script of BPA script.
    • For a service script, enter input values and save. The service is performed and output information is presented. If the service issues an error the corresponding message is displayed. Note that the input and output testing user interface is dyamically rendered based on UIHints embedded in the service script's schema. As such, the user interface may be as elaborate or basic as the UIhints in that schema.
    • Testing a BPA script is only applicable to a BPA that does not rely on information passed to it from somewhere else. Because the system cannot detect if this is the case for your BPA, the Test button is always visible. Attempting to use it on a BPA that relies on information passed into it may show an error.
    Note: This action is secured by a designated "Test a Service" application service and requires also security rights for creating a script, which is the alternative way for testing any service. It is recommended to allow access to this function in non-production environments only.
  • Java Docs. Use this action to launch the Groovy Javadocs viewer.
  • Third Party Groovy Allowlist. Use this action to review the allowlist of third party Groovy classes and verify the restricted list of classes available for Groovy coding in the script.
  • View Script Supreclass. Use this action to view the code of the runtime generated superclass for the related plug-in spot’s implementation.. This action appears only for plug-in scripts using an engine version of Groovy.