Accessibility Considerations

This section provides information about topics related to accessibility that should be considered when extending the system via configuration tools.

Color Contrast

The HTML color red (RGB code #FF0000) when used for text on a white background does not comply with the accessibility color contrast guidelines. When it is desired to use red for text for emphasis in a zone, map or in a text string, the product recommends the shade of red with the RGB code #E0292F.

Note that in addition, the product provides a special CSS class textColorRedOnWhite which may be used when HTML references are used for applying the red color. For example, UI map, zone help text and scripting.

Identifying Rows in Grids

When navigating between rows in a grid on the user interface, screen readers will read out the row number and the element name (or names) with an attribute of 'scope=row'. By default, the system assigns this attribute to the non-suppressed primary key element (or elements) or to the first element in the grid if no primary key is defined. This may not be the information that best identifies the row. For example, a sequence number may be less meaningful than the heading of the next element in the list, such as 'Parameter Name'. The product provides a UI hint to allow you to specify one or more elements that should be used as the row header for accessibility.

Refer to UI Hint syntax for more details.