Batch Day Dashboard

This portal provides a high level summary of the status, duration and other details of the batch jobs that ran on a given business date. An implementation may introduce additional zones to this portal as needed.

Use Menu > Dashboards > Batch Day Dashboard to navigate to the portal.

Batch Runs By Business Day

This zone provides a summary by business date of the number of batch runs completed, in error, and in progress, together with the earliest start time and latest end time of the jobs on that day.  The zone is sorted in descending order by business date.

Note: For performance reasons, the zone is configured to restrict the number of rows retrieved by the query. The 'Results' number will indicate how many rows have been retrieved. Use the Next and Previous buttons to retrieve additional dates or return to a prior set of dates.

The following filters are provided:

  • Batch Business Date allows you to select a particular business date.

  • Process Date allows you to restrict the batch runs included in the summary to those where the processing date is within the start and end dates for the run.

  • Exclude Reruns allows you to exclude batch reruns from the summary.

Note: The values selected in these filters will be applied as hidden filters to the other zones in the portal.

When a specific business date is broadcast from the summary, the following zones will appear as part of the portal's Main tab page.

Batch Day By Status

This zone summarizes the batch runs for the business date by their status, displayed in the form of a pie chart. Selecting a specific slice of data on the chart broadcasts its value to the other zones on the portal allowing them to filter their data accordingly. Use the Reset action to reset the filter set by this zone.

Batch Day By Category

This zone summarizes the batch runs for the business date by their batch category, displayed in the form of a pie chart. Selecting a specific slice of data on the chart broadcasts its value to the other zones on the portal allowing them to filter their data accordingly. Use the Reset action to reset the filter set by this zone.

Batch Jobs Summary

This zone displays details of the individual batch runs for the broadcast business date. The zone is sorted in ascending order by start date/time and batch control.

Note: For performance reasons, the zone is configured to restrict the number of rows retrieved by the query. The 'Results' number will indicate how many rows have been retrieved. Use the Next and Previous buttons to retrieve additional rows or return to a prior set of rows.

The following filters are provided:

  • Batch Control allows you to select a particular batch control to review. This filter supports wildcard searching.

  • From Start Date/Time restricts the batch runs displayed to those where the start date time is on or after this date and time.

  • To Start Date/Time restricts the batch runs displayed to those where the start date time is on or before this date and time.

  • From End Date/Time restricts the batch runs displayed to those where the end date time is on or after this date and time.

  • To End Date/Time restricts the batch runs displayed to those where the end date time is on or before this date and time.

  • Batch Control Type restricts the batch runs displayed to the selected type.

The following columns are displayed initially:

  • Start Date/Time is the start time of the run.

  • Batch Control is the batch control ID of the batch run.

  • Description is the description of the batch control. Click the hyperlink to navigate to the Batch Control portal.

  • Batch Run is the run number of the batch job. Click the hyperlink to navigate to the Batch Run portal.

  • Status is the status of the batch run.

  • End Date/Time is the end time of the run. The current date and time may be displayed if the batch job is still in progress.

  • Duration is the time taken for the run, formatted as Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds.

  • Threads is the total threads for the batch run.

Click the Column Configuration icon The Column Configuration icon in the zone header to show the Column Configuration Area in which additional columns can be added to the results. The additional columns include the following:

  • Batch Category is the category of the batch run.

  • Batch Control Type is the type of the batch run.

  • Do Not Attempt Restart indicates whether the run has been marked not to be restarted.

  • Rerun Nbr is the rerun number of this batch job.