Person Export for Customer Experience for Utilities

When integrating with Customer Experience for Utilities, all person records for individuals and business must be exported from Customer Cloud Service so they can be imported into, and synchronized between, all related Oracle Fusion systems. This involves defining mapping person and business values to corresponding values in the Oracle Fusion systems via a master configuration, and a pair of batch processes to export and synchronize the data.

Master Configuration

The CX4U Person Sync Mapping master configuration maps Customer Cloud Service person and business related values to their corresponding Fusion values for the purpose of an initial data export via a batch process. This includes the following:

  • Phone Country Code
  • Communication Types
  • Person Characteristics
  • Business Characteristics

On this master configuration, "internal" values are those used in Customer Cloud Service, and "external" values are those used in related Oracle Fusion systems.

Batch Processes

Two batch processes are used to export and synchronize person data.

  • The CX4U Export Person Information (C1-PEREX) batch process exports person records into multiple files that can be used to perform an initial import of person information into Oracle Fusion to support Oracle Customer Experience for Utilities.
  • After the initial import of records into Oracle Fusion, the CX4U Update Person External ID (C1-PERSY) batch process updates the External ID characteristics for Person records that exist in Oracle Fusion to reference their Oracle Fusion party number.

    Note: The CX4U Update Person External ID (C1-PERSY) batch process uses the CX4U Data Synchronization (CX4U) External System and the FA Person Synchronization (C1FsnPerSync) Message Sender to communicate with the Fusion systems to retrieve the Fusion party number. Refer to the External Systems and Message Sender sections for more information about these components.

Refer to the Detailed Descriptions of the CX4U Export Person Information (C1-PEREX) and CX4U Update Person External ID (C1-PERSY) batch controls for more information about parameters used with these batch processes.