Adjustment Type - Main
To set up adjustment types, open Admin > Financial > Adjustment Type > Add.
Description of Page
Enter a unique Adjustment Type ID and Description for the adjustment type.
If your implementation requires restricting the list of adjustments types that users are able to select by CIS Division, specify a CIS Division on the adjustment type.
The Adjustment Amount Type indicates whether the adjustment about is calculated or not. Select Calculated Amount when you want to use a rate to perform calculations to generate the adjustment amount otherwise select Non-Calculated Amount. Refer to Setting Up Calculated Adjustment Types for more information about calculated adjustments.
Enter the Distribution Code that references the GL account associated with the adjustment. For example, if this adjustment type is used to levy a charge for a bad check, the distribution code would reference the revenue account to which you associate such revenue. Note, the offsetting distribution code is kept on the SA type.
Distribution Code for Calculated Adjustments. Depending on the algorithm used for the calculated adjustment , the distribution code may come from the adjustment type or the calculation lines of the algorithm. If the adjustment's calculation algorithm gets the distribution code from the calculation lines, you do not need to specify a distribution code on the adjustment type.
For more information about the source of the distribution codes on financial transactions, see The Source Of GL Accounts On Financial Transactions .
Enter the Currency Code for adjustments of this type.
Turn on Sync. Current Amount if adjustments of this type exist to force a service agreement's current balance to equal its payoff balance. These types of adjustments are issued before a service agreement's funds are transferred to a write-off service agreement. If this switch is on, choose an Adjustment Fin Algorithm that does not impact payoff balance or the GL, but does affect the SA's current balance (refer to ADJT-CA for an example of such an algorithm).
Enter a Default Amount if an amount should be defaulted onto adjustments of this type.
For more information about current and payoff amounts, refer to Current Amount versus Payoff Amount .
If the AP Adjustment should be recorded in respect of the customer's 1099 amounts, indicate the A/P 1099 Flag. This would typically be used on the adjustment used to credit the deposit service agreement with accrued interest. The values of this field are Interest and Miscellaneous. This type of adjustment would also have an A/P Request Type Code selected, as 1099 reporting is handled in A/P.
Turn on Print By Default if information about adjustments of this type should print on the account's next bill.
Choose an A/P Request Type Code if this adjustment is interfaced to accounts payable (i.e., it's used to send a refund check to a customer). Refer to A/P Check Request for more information.
The Adjustment Freeze Option defines when adjustments can be frozen and therefore when a service agreement's balance and the general ledger are affected by an adjustment. Refer to Preventing SA Balances And The GL From Being Impacted Until Bill Completion to understand the significance of this option. Also note, if the installation option's Bill Segment Freeze Option is Freeze At Will, this field is defaulted to Freeze At Will and cannot be changed.
Adjustment types for adjustments created during bill completion (e.g., by a bill completion algorithm) must have their adjustment freeze option set to Freeze At Will. Otherwise (i.e., if the option is Freeze At Bill Completion ) they will not be frozen until a subsequent bill is completed.
If adjustments of this type require approval, define an Approval Profile. For more information, refer to The Big Picture of Adjustment Approvals.
Enter the verbiage to appear on the printed bill in Description on Bill.
Use the characteristics collection to define a Characteristic Type and Characteristic Value common to all adjustments of this type. These can be used for reporting purposes or in your algorithms.