Feature Configuration
You must set up a Financial Transaction Options Feature Configuration to define parameters that control various payment event distribution options.
The following points describe the various Option Types that must be defined:
Always Enable Distribution Rule. This option controls whether the system should only use the distribution rule method to add payment events or rather allow both the default method and the distribution rule method to coexist.
Enter Y if the system should always use distribution rules. With this setting, navigation to the Payment Event page in add mode opens up the Payment Event Quick Add page (defaulting it to the single payment event dialog). This dialog is designed to create a payment event using distribution rules
Enter N if the system should allow both methods. With this setting, navigation to the Payment Event page in add mode opens up the standard Payment Event - Add Dialog that uses the default method to create a payment event. If you want to use the distribution rule method, navigate to the Payment Event Quick Add page from the menu.
Default Distribution Rule. This option states your default distribution rule that appears throughout the system.