Setting Up Auto Pay Source Codes
A unique Auto Pay Source must exist for every bank / credit card company / bill payment service that your customer's use as the source of the funds when they sign up for automatic payment. For example,
Every bank will have a unique auto pay source.
Every credit card company will have a unique auto pay source.
To set up an auto pay source, select Admin > Financial > Auto Pay Source Type > Add.
Description of Page
Enter an easily recognizable Auto Pay Source Code and Description for the auto pay source.
The Source Name is the name of the financial institution.
When the system creates an automatic payment request, it also creates an associated payment tender. This tender (like all tenders) must have a tender type. This field defines the Tender Type associated with this auto pay source's tenders. The Prenote Tender Type is also specified on checking and savings tender types. It determines the transaction code to stamp on an auto pay extract records that are sent out for the purpose of debit prenotification. Refer to Setting Up Tender Types for more information.
The External Source ID is the unique identifier of the financial institution to which the automatic payment will be routed (e.g., the bank routing ID of the bank). This field is typically blank on automatic payments routed to credit card companies because the credit card company doesn't have an external source ID (whereas direct debits from banks must have a bank routing number). Whether this field is required is controlled by the Tender Type.
The Auto Pay Route Type controls when and how automatic payment requests get routed to a financial institution. It also controls when the general ledger is impacted by the automatic payments financial transaction. Refer to Setting Up Auto Pay Route Types for more information.
The Work Calendar defines the financial institution's workdays. This information is used to determine the date on which automatic payment requests will be sent to the financial institution. Refer to Setting Up External Workday Calendars for more information.
The Validation Algorithm defines how the system validates the customer's account ID at the financial institution. If you haven't done so already, you must set up this algorithm in the system. To do this:
Create a new algorithm (refer to Setting Up Algorithms ).
On this algorithm, reference an Algorithm Type that validates the customer's account ID at the financial institution.
Refer to Account - Auto Pay for more information.