An Example Of A Field Order
The following picture illustrates a field order that controls the work to be performed at a premise with 2 service points.
The following field order-related concepts are illustrated above:
Field Order A field order is a group of field activities performed by one person (or crew) at a premise. Refer to How Are Field Orders Created And Dispatched for information about how field orders are created.
Field Activity A field activity is a task that takes place at a service point. Examples of field activities include reconnect service, exchange meter, disconnect service, cut for nonpayment, investigate trouble order.
The system automatically creates field activities when specific events happen. Refer to Designing Your Field Activity Profiles for a discussion of how the system does this.
When a field activity is first added, its state is pending. If the activity is not done (for whatever reason), the activity is canceled. After the activity is done, the results of the activity are recorded in the system and its state becomes complete.
Activity Step A field activity has one or more steps. For example, the field activity to exchange a meter would have the following activity steps: Remove existing meter, Test meter, Install new meter.
The number and types of steps involved with a field activity are controlled by the activity's activity type. Refer to Setting Up Field Activity Types for more information.
Premise See An Illustration Of A Premise for a description.
Service Point See An Illustration Of A Premise for a description.
Meter See An Illustration Of A Premise for a description.
More than just meters. While the above diagram illustrates field order concepts in respect of meters, the field orders system has been designed to handle meters, lamps, and any other type of device located at a service point (e.g., a cable box).