Defining Field Order Options
A field order is a group of field activities that take place at a premise's service point(s). These activities can range from the simple (e.g., read a meter) to the complex (e.g., install both the power line and a new meter). Before you can issue field orders, you must establish the control data defined in this section.
Appointments. Refer to The Big Picture of Appointments for information about how appointments can be scheduled for field activities.
Setting up the tables that control your field activities will be as complicated as the fieldwork your organization performs. If your company doesn't do fieldwork, then you won't have to set up any of these tables. If your company has a single service and the fieldwork you perform is straightforward, this setup process will be straightforward. If your company performs sophisticated fieldwork (e.g., utilizing multiple crews and multiple dispatch locations), this setup process will require careful analysis.
For more information about field orders and how they use the information described in this chapter, refer to The Big Picture Of Field Orders.