Setting Up Meter Configuration Types
Every meter configuration must reference a meter configuration type. The meter configuration type indicates the valid (required or optional) unit of measure and time of use registers for the configuration.
Navigate to Admin > Meter Configuration Type > Add to set up valid meter configuration types.
Description of Page
Enter an easily recognizable Meter Configuration Type and Description for the meter configuration type.
Choose the Service Type associated with the meter configuration type. Refer to Setting Up Service Types for more information.
Use Prepaid Meter to indicate whether or not the meter configuration is used to record prepaid usage.
If you have set up a TOU Group to indicate your collection of time of use codes for the meter configuration, enter it here. Use the Default TOU Registers button to have the system build the collection of registers for you based on the TOU codes linked to the TOU group. Refer to Setting Up TOU Groups for more information
In the grid, specify the attributes of the collection of valid registers. If the register is Interval, put a check in the checkbox. For any register, indicate the valid UOM. For interval registers, indicate the Interval Register Type. If a TOU is applicable for the register, enter the TOU code. Finally, specify a Validation for each register. The register pair can be Optional or Required.
In certain markets, registers with the same UOM and TOU combination or, for Interval meters, the same UOM and Interval Register Type combination may need to be defined under a single meter configuration. If your implementation is in one of these markets, add the Allow Duplicate UOM/TOU Combination Option Type on the Meter Management Options Feature Configuration and set its value to Y .
Attributes related to interval registers may not appear. These attributes are suppressed if Meter Data Management module is turned off.