SA Type - Interval Info
Open Admin > Customer > SA Type > Search and navigate to the Interval Info page to define the interval profile relationship types and TOU map relationship types, which are valid for service agreements of a given type.
This tab may not appear. This tab is suppressed if the interval billing Complex Billing module is turned off.
Description of Page
If the SA Type's special role is Interval , you may define the Interval Profile Relationship Types that may be linked to service agreements of this type.
For more information about interval profile relationship types, see Designing Interval Profile Relationship Types.
If the SA Type's special role is Interval , you may define the TOU Map Relationship Types that may be linked to service agreements of this type.
For more information about TOU map relationship types, refer to Designing TOU Map Relationship Types.
Where Used
The interval profile information is used to validate the interval profile relationship types linked to the service agreement. Refer to Service Agreement - Interval Info for more information.
The TOU map information is used to validate TOU map relationship types linked to a service agreement. Refer to Service Agreement - Interval Info for more information.