Service Agreement - Interval Info
The transactions described in this section are only available if the interval billing module is turned on. This Customer Care and Billing functionality has essentially been deprecated and should be performed within a meter data management system. This functional area remains within Customer Care and Billing exclusively for upgrading customers who currently use Interval Billing within an earlier version of this system.
The interval info page contains various collections needed by an interval service agreement. This information may be used by validation and derivation algorithms or may be used by interval and time of use pricing algorithms. Refer to Interval Billing for more information.
This tab may not appear. This tab is suppressed if the interval billing Complex Billing module is turned off.
Open this page using Menu > Customer Information > Service Agreement > Search and then navigate to the Interval Info page.
Description of Page
The tree at the bottom of this page shows information about interval profiles and TOU maps that are referenced in the calculation rules linked to one of the service agreement's rates.
A node will display for each Interval Profile Relationship Type, which is priced directly, i.e., it is referenced on a calculation rule of type Interval Pricing. When this node is expanded, information about every Interval Pricing calculation rule, which references this relationship type is displayed.
A node will display for each TOU Map Relationship Type and Interval Profile Relationship Type, which are referenced on a calculation rule of type TOU Pricing. When this node is expanded, information about every TOU Pricing calculation rule which references these relationship type is displayed.
A node will display for each Interval Profile Relationship Type, which is referenced on a calculation rule of type Calculation Algorithm. When this node is expanded, information about every Calculation Algorithm calculation rule, which references this relationship type is displayed.
A node will display for each TOU Map Relationship Type, which is referenced on a calculation rule of type Calculation Algorithm. When this node is expanded, information about every Calculation Algorithm calculation rule, which references this relationship type is displayed.
The Interval Profile collection contains effective-dated information that defines the interval profiles linked to the service agreement. Refer to Interval Pricing Background Topics for more information.
To link an interval profile to a service agreement, enter the Interval Profile Relationship Type that defines the role that this interval profile will serve for the service agreement. Choose the Interval Profile Id for the profile that you wish to link to this service agreement. This profile may be Common or SA Owned.
If the profile does not exist yet, then you must create it. Refer to How to Link Common Profiles to a Service Agreement and How to Link SA Owned Profiles to a Service Agreement for more information.
The Start Date/Time indicates the date and time that this profile is linked to the service agreement for this profile relationship type.
The End Date/Time indicates the date and time that this profile is no longer linked to the service agreement for this profile relationship type.
The Status values are Active and Inactive. By default, all records are active. The system will use the start date/time and end date/time to ensure that it processes the correct profile for the SA and Profile Relationship Type for the correct time period. No two profiles may be active for the same SA, Profile Relationship Type and overlapping time period. A user may change the status of a record to Inactive. The system will not change this status.
If data for this profile is derived using a creation algorithm on the interval profile's profile type, then the Derivation Algorithm and the Creation Priority for the interval profile type are displayed.
Refer to Setting Up Interval Profile Types for more information about linking data creation algorithms to an interval profile type.
The Derive Interval Data button will be enabled when the service agreement is in a billable status. Use this button to create profile data through data derivation. Clicking this button opens the Derive Interval Data dialog box.
In the resulting dialog box, turn on Force Derivation and enter a Force Derivation Start Date if you wish the system to re-derive data for a period that may have already been derived.
Not all algorithms will necessarily support force derivation. It depends on whether or not the algorithm can detect changes in the source data.
Enter the Cutoff Date to indicate to the system until what date to generate data for.
After clicking Process, the system will execute any "Interval Data Creation" derivation algorithm linked to the profile type of an SA Owned profile where this SA is the owner. The algorithms are executed in creation priority order.
You can design your control tables so that the appropriate common and SA-owned profiles are linked to the service agreement at start time. Refer to Designing Your Interval Billing Start Options for more information about designing and setting up these start options.
The TOU Map collection contains effective-dated information that defines the TOU maps linked to the service agreement. Refer to Time of Use Mapping Background Topics for more information.
To link a TOU map to a service agreement, enter the TOU Relationship Type that defines the role that this TOU map will serve for the service agreement. Choose the TOU Map ID for the map that you wish to link to the service agreement. This map may be Common or SA Owned.
The Start Date/Time indicates the date and time that this TOU map is linked to the service agreement for this TOU map relationship type.
The End Date/Time indicates the date and time that this TOU map is no longer linked to the service agreement for this TOU map relationship type.
The Status values are Active and Inactive. By default, all records are active. The system will use the start date/time and end date/time to ensure that it processes the correct map for the SA and Map Relationship Type for the correct time period. No two maps may be active for the same SA, Map Relationship Type and overlapping time period. A user may change the status of a record to Inactive. The system will not change this status.
If data for this map may be created using a creation algorithm on the TOU map's map type, then the Derivation Algorithm and the Creation Priority for the TOU map type are displayed.
The Derive TOU Data button will be enabled when the service agreement is in a billable status. Use this button to automatically create TOU map data. Clicking this button opens the Derive Interval Data dialog box.
In the resulting dialog box, turn on Force Derivation and enter a Force Derivation Start Date if you wish the system to re-derive data for a period that may have already been derived.
Not all algorithms will necessarily support force derivation. It depends on whether or not the algorithm can detect changes in the source data.
Enter the Cutoff Date to indicate to the system until what date to generate data for.
After clicking Process, the system will execute any "TOU Data Creation" algorithm linked to the TOU map type of an SA Owned profile where this SA is the owner. The algorithms are executed in creation priority order.
You can design your control tables so that the appropriate common and SA owned TOU maps are linked to the service agreement at start time. Refer to Designing Your Interval Billing Start Options for more information about designing and setting up these start options.
If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and to the time zone on the service agreement's characteristic premise, the Seasonal Time Shift associated with the time zone on the characteristic premise is displayed. Refer to Time Zone and Time Changes for more information.
The Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed and should be entered in legal time or standard time. Refer to Interval Time Display for more information. If the data is displayed in legal time use the Show in Standard button to toggle to standard time. If the data is displayed in standard time use the Show in Legal button to toggle to legal time.