Automatic Creation of Classic TOU Map Data
The section Generating Data for a Classic TOU Map describes how classic TOU map templates may be set up and used to generate classic TOU map data. When defining the appropriate TOU map for a given contract, you typically generate the TOU map data at the beginning of the contract year.
However, for many contracts, you may define special situations, such as interruptions, when an override classic TOU map is applicable for a certain time period. In fact, you may have a group of customers, who are all affected by the same interruption. The system allows you to configure your interval billing options such that once your interruption period has been defined an override classic TOU map for that interruption period can be generated for all customers.
In order to generate classic TOU map data, you need to design and create an appropriate algorithm. TOU map creation algorithms are linked to the classic TOU map type. You also need to define the "special situation", for example, the interruption.
Refer to Contract Option Background Topics for more information about special events that may alter the rate calculations.
In addition, refer to Interval Billing Examples - Override Maps for an example of how to set up an interruption example.
TOU map creation algorithms may be executed in one of the following ways:
Through a background process that finds every SA that has a TOU map with a classic TOU map type that indicates a creation algorithm. Refer to Process IB-STDB - SA TOU Data Creation for more information.
There is a button available on the SA Interval Info page that allows a user to execute the TOU data derivation algorithms for a single SA.
There is a button available on the Account Interval Info page that allows a user to execute the TOU data derivation algorithms for all the service agreements for an account. The service agreements are processed in the billing processing sequence order defined on their SA type.