Setting Up Classic TOU Map Templates
The TOU Map Template classic page enables you to define daily, weekly and calendar templates for use by TOU data generation and automatic TOU data creation. Open Admin > TOU Map Template Classic > Add to define your TOU map templates.
The classic TOU Map Template portal describes TOU Map Templates that are used with the classic rate engine. For information about the differences between the classic and new style rate engines, see Rates. For details on setting up TOU Map Templates for the new style rate engine, see Creating TOU Map Templates.
This page will not be available if Complex Billing module is turned off.
Description of Page
Enter a unique TOU Map Template name and a Description for the classic TOU map template.
Enter a classic TOU Map Type. Daily templates use the TOU map type to determine the TOU group whose TOU codes are valid for this template. All templates use the classic TOU map type to determine the interval size to ensure that start and end times are valid for the interval size. For example, if your interval size is 60 minutes, then the amount of minutes between your start and end times must be a multiple of 60. For example, you would not be able to enter a start time of 10:00 and an end time of 10:15.
Use the TOU Map Template Type to indicate whether this template is Daily, Weekly, or Calendar.
The fields in the remaining portion of the page will depend on the classic TOU map template type.
A Daily template is used to define time of use periods applicable for hour/minute time ranges in an abstract day. Data in this template has no association with a specific day of the week or a specific calendar date. Each entry in the collection is used to define the time periods applicable for a given Time of Use code in this day. Enter the following information for your collection of time periods for the daily template.
Use the Start Sequence Number and the End Sequence Number to indicate whether the time period covered by this entry starts and ends on the same day or on different days. If the time period covered by the entry starts and ends on the same day, then the same number should be entered in both fields. If the time period ends on a different day (most likely one day later) than it starts, then the End sequence would be greater than the start sequence.
Enter the Start Time and End Time applicable for this Time of Use code. The valid time of use codes are limited to those belonging to the TOU group on the template's TOU map type.
The times on the TOU map components are in legal time. During the generation process the system will convert the time definitions into standard time, taking daylight savings into account. Time shifting is based upon the Seasonal Time Shift defined on the template's classic TOU Map Type. Refer to Seasonal Time Shift for more information.
When the TOU data is generated, intervals for this time of use code will be generated starting from the first time period AFTER the Start Time up to and including the End Time interval. Therefore, the end Time is inclusive and the start time is not inclusive.
A Weekly template is used to define the collection of daily templates that make up an abstract week. Data in this template has no association with specific calendar dates. You must indicate the Week Start Day to tell the system which day of the week is considered "day one".
Enter the following information for your collection of daily templates for the weekly template.
Use the Start Sequence Number and the End Sequence Number to indicate whether the time period covered by this entry starts and ends in the same week or in different weeks. If the days covered by the entry are in the same week, then the same number should be entered in both fields. If the time period ends in a different week (most likely one week later) than it starts, then the End sequence would be greater than the start sequence.
Enter the Start Week Day and Start Time and End Week Day and End Time applicable for this Reference TOU Map Template. The valid templates are limited to those that are daily and those whose TOU map type has the same TOU group and minutes per interval as this template's TOU map type.
The times on the TOU map components are in legal time. During the generation process the system will convert the time definitions into standard time, taking daylight savings into account. Time shifting is based upon the Seasonal Time Shift defined on the template's TOU Map Type. Refer to Seasonal Time Shift for more information.
When the TOU data is generated, intervals will be generated starting from the first time period AFTER the Start Time up to and including the End Time interval. Therefore, the end Time is inclusive and the start time is not inclusive.
A Calendar template is used to define the collection of weekly and daily templates that make up specific months and dates for a given calendar.
Enter the following information for your collection of daily and weekly templates for the calendar template.
Use the Start Sequence Number and the End Sequence Number to indicate whether the time period covered by this entry starts and ends in the same year or in different years. If the dates covered by the entry are in the same year, then the same number should be entered in both fields. If the time period ends in a different year (most likely one year later) than it starts, then the End sequence would be greater than the start sequence.
Use the Start Date (month and day) and Start Time and the End Date (month and day) and End Time to indicate the time period applicable for this Reference TOU Map Template. The valid templates are limited to those that are daily and weekly and those whose TOU map type has the same TOU group and minutes per interval as this template's TOU map type.
The times on the TOU map components are in legal time. During the generation process the system will convert the time definitions into standard time, taking daylight savings into account. Time shifting is based upon the Seasonal Time Shift defined on the template's TOU Map Type. Refer to Seasonal Time Shift for more information.
When the TOU data is generated, intervals will be generated starting from the first time period AFTER the Start Time up to and including the End Time interval. Therefore, the end Time is inclusive and the start time is not inclusive.
Where Used
The generate button on the TOU map page allows you to specify a TOU map template and a holiday TOU map template to use for generating TOU data.
If you have a TOU map creation algorithm defined on a TOU map type, this algorithm will need to use a TOU map template to create TOU data. The mechanism for defining the TOU map template to use depends on how the algorithm is designed. The TOU map creation algorithm provided by the system ITMCCOPT expects the template to be defined as a characteristic of the service agreement.