Overdue Events
An overdue process has one or more overdue events. These events are the actions designed to encourage the customer to pay. For example, you might set up overdue events that:
Send letters (via the creation of a customer contact)
Create To Do entries
Impact the account's credit rating
Create a case (e.g., to seize the customer's assets)
... (the list is only limited by your imagination as algorithms are used to perform the event's actions)
You define the number and type of events by configuring overdue process templates. When the system creates an overdue process, it copies the events defined on the specified template.
It's important to note that all overdue events are created when the overdue process is created. A separate background process, the Overdue / Cut Event Manager, is responsible for activating, monitoring, and triggering overdue events. Activation of an event causes the system to do whatever the event indicates (e.g., send a letter, send a To Do entry to a user, start a cut process, refer debt to a collection agency, write-off debt, etc.).