Activating A Workflow Event Causes A Batch Run To Be Submitted
When a workflow event is activated, its activation algorithm creates a Pending batch run request. To be specific - the workflow event's Activation algorithm defines the batch process and the number of parallel threads that should be executed when the batch job is submitted. Please see the activation algorithm's parameters for a description of exactly how the Pending batch run request is created.
What activates workflow events? A batch process exists that is responsible for activating the workflow events associated with your job streams' workflow processes. This batch process is known as C1-WFSUB. In addition, when this process is submitted, it only activates the workflow events associated with a specific workflow process template (the workflow process template is identified by a parameter supplied to C1-WFSUB ). You may wonder why the standard WFET batch process (i.e., the standard workflow event activator) doesn't process the batch scheduler workflow events. The reason is that C1-WFSUB is executed many times during the processing of your job streams and we didn't want to clutter up the run statistics for WFET with the myriad executions of C1-WFSUB.