Maintaining Customer Service Requests
This portal is used to display and maintain a Customer Service Request.
Refer to Understanding Customer Service Requests for more details.
To view and maintain customer service requests, open Menu > Customer Information > Customer Service Request > Search. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching for customer service requests.
Once a customer service request record has been selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
The following zones are displayed.
Customer Service Request zone shows the details of the customer service request.
Customer Service Request Person shows the related person(s). Select a record to go to the specific portal where the details can be viewed and maintained.
Customer Service Request Account shows the related account(s). Select a record to go to the specific portal where the details can be viewed and maintained.
Customer Service Request Premise
shows the related premise(s). Select a record to go to the specific portal where the details can be viewed and maintained.
Customer Service Request SA shows the related service agreement(s). Select a record to go to the specific portal where the details can be viewed and maintained.
Customer Service Request Contract shows the related contract(s). Select a record to go to the specific portal where the details can be viewed and maintained.
Customer Service Request Contract Product shows the related contract product(s). Select a record to go to the specific portal where the details can be viewed and maintained.
Customer Service Request Service Location shows the related service location(s). Select a record to go to the specific portal where the details can be viewed and maintained.
Customer Service Request Related Object shows other related entities.
Refer to the zones’ embedded help for more information.