Premise - Main Information
The Premise page contains basic premise information. Open Menu > Customer Information > Premise > Search to maintain this information.
Description of Page
Basic information about the Premise and the premise's unique identifier (i.e., the Premise ID) are displayed on every page. These values only appear after the premise exists on the database. The ID is a system assigned random number that stays with a premise for life.
Formatting is performed by a plug-in. The basic information about a premise that appears at the top of this page (and on many other pages in the system) is controlled by a plug-in algorithm on the installation record. Refer to the base package's premise format algorithm (PREM-INFO) for an example. If you prefer a different format, your system administrator should configure the system appropriately.
Indicate the Premise Type to categorize the type of premise.
The address's constituent fields vary based on the Country. Please refer to the Country page for more information.
Default note. A premise's state, city, county, division, characteristics, trend area and geographic data default from your postal default information. Refer to Setting Up Premise & Service Point Postal Defaults for more information. If you change the premise's postal code, the system will default geographic values based on the new postal code.
Use CIS Division to define the jurisdiction in which the premise is located if the premise type allows CIS Division. This defaults based on the Country and the Postal, but can be overridden here. If your implementation has set the Installation Option Control By CIS Division flag, the values are restricted to the user’s CIS Division(s). See Users and CIS Division for more information. The value is defaulted to user’s primary CIS Division, but that can be overridden by the postal defaults
The Validate button on the premise page will only be available if you have set the Allow Address Validation option type to Y on the General System Configuration feature configuration. Once clicked, the Address Validation Script on the General System Configuration feature configuration will be invoked to validate the entered address. Refer to Implementing Address Validation for more information.
Indicate whether the address is a valid Mailing Address. Premises that are valid mailing addresses may be specified as the mailing premise on an account. Refer to Account - Person Information for more information.
Use Landlord Agreement to define the landlord agreement that covers the premise, if any.
Landlord reversion. When you specify a landlord agreement on a premise, you are telling the system that service associated with the premise's service points should be reverted to the landlord's account when a tenant stops service. The system uses this information during the stop service process to automatically create pending start service agreement(s) for the landlord.
Managing a large number of premises for the same landlord If the premise management module is not turned off, the premise management page helps you to manage the premises linked to the landlord.
If the premise management module is not turned off, you may reference a Parent Premise to include this premise in a premise hierarchy.
At the bottom of this page is a tree that shows the various objects linked to the premise. You can use this tree to both view high-level information about these objects and to transfer to the respective page in which an object is maintained.