Renewing Service Agreements
Some service agreement types (e.g., non-billed budgets) may allow or require renewal. If renewal is optional, a renewal date may be specified when the service agreement is created. If renewal is required, you must specify a renewal date.
The SA renewal background process initiates the renewal for all active service agreements when the renewal date is reached (i.e., the renewal date is on or before the process date). When a service agreement is renewed:
The SA renewal algorithm (specified on the SA type) is executed. The SA renewal algorithm can be used to customize the processing required to renew an SA.
If the SA renewal algorithm is successful, the renewal and expiration date (if calculated by the renewal algorithm) on the service agreement are updated with the values returned from the renewal algorithm.
If the renewal process is not successful, a To Do list entry (of type TD-SARN) is created for the account and service agreement.