The System Activates Most Service Agreements Behind-The-Scenes
Service agreements are activated by one of the following methods:
The SA activation background process (SAACT) automatically activates pending start service agreements once it detects that everything necessary to start service is defined in the system. This is the most common method for activating service agreements. This process runs as often as your organization desires (but it should run at least daily).
Sub SAs are not handled by the SA activation background process. If your organization uses the SA relationship functionality and you have service providers that necessitate sub service agreements, you should be aware that the SA activation background process only activates normal and master SAs; sub SAs are activated by the analyze SA relationships background process (described in the next bullet point).
If your organization uses the SA relationship functionality and you have service providers that necessitate sub service agreements, the analyze SA relationships background process (ANLYZSAR) automatically activates pending start sub SAs if their master SA is active.
You can automatically activate a service agreement when it's created if you plug-in an SA creation algorithm of type SACR-AT on the SA type. Because everything necessary to start service must be defined in the system before a service agreement can be activated, this method only works for SA types that don't have service points (e.g., charitable donations, deposits, one-time charges, etc.). If this algorithm is not plugged in on an SA type, service agreements of that type are activated by the SA activation background process or manually.
You can activate a service agreement manually (assuming everything that's necessary to activate service is in place). Simply open Service Agreement - Main and click the Activate SA button. This is only necessary if you do not want to wait until the SA activation background process next runs.