Item - Location History
The item location history page has two purposes:
You can view the history of the service points and stock locations at which an item has been located.
You can change an item's current stock location if it is not installed at a service point.
It's important to be aware that location history is only recorded when the item's item type indicates that its location is tracked. Refer to The Big Picture of Asset Inventory for further information.
Use Menu > Meter > Item > Search and navigate to the Location History page.
Description of Page
The rows in the grid show where the item has been located over its lifetime. The following types of rows may be displayed:
When an item is installed at a service point, a stock location history record is created with a Location History Type of SP Install.
Location Date/Time is the time of installation. This may not be modified.
Location is the service point at which the meter is installed. This may not be modified.
When an item is removed from a service point, a stock location history record is created with a Location History Type of SP Removal.
Location Date/Time is the time of removal. This may not be modified.
Location is a stock location. This value is defaulted based on the service point's postal defaults. You may change this Location if the defaulted value is incorrect.
When a new item is added, you must create a location history record to define the stock location at which the item is stored.
Enter the Date/Time the item was received.
The Location History Type is defaulted to Stock.
Use Location to define the stock location where the item is being stored.
If an item is transferred from one stock location to another, you must create a location history record as described above.
To create a new location history record, click the + button to insert a row, then fill in the information for each field.
Location history may have gaps. An item's Stock Location History Is Created Behind the Scenes and is only created if stock location is being tracked.