High / Low Checks
Regardless of the source (upload or online), whenever a meter read is added, the system checks that the meter read's consumption is reasonable. This check is performed by comparing the actual read to high and low read values. The actual high and low read values are calculated by the Meter Read High Low Limits algorithm specified on the installation options.
The base package is supplied with a sample algorithm type (HILO-FACTBL) that uses the High Low Factor table to derive the high and low limits for a register read as follows:
Estimate consumption using the estimation algorithm specified for the trend area .
Calculate the high and low usage amounts using the high and low usage factors for the unit of measure and read type:
The low usage amount is calculated by multiplying estimated consumption by the low usage factor.
The high usage amount is calculated by multiplying estimated consumption by the high usage factor.
Determine the high and low read values using the high and low usage amounts and the previous read value.
When a meter reading's consumption is outside of the high / low boundaries, it is flagged accordingly. However, billing still uses the reading unless an operator explicitly disallows the reading.
Refer to Review High / Low for more information about reviewing readings that failed high / low checks.
Note:Disallowing Readings. You can disallow billing from using a read by unchecking Use On Bill on the Meter Read page.