Field Order - Main Information
The Main page contains core field order information. Open this page using Menu > Field Order > Field Order > Search.
Description of Page
Field Order is a concatenation of information about the order. It consists of the address of the premise, the status of the field order, the number of field activities linked to the order and, if the order has been completed, the date on which the work was done.
Field Order ID is the unique system-generated identifier for the field order.
Enter the Premise ID of the premise at which the field order will take place.
Use Schedule Date/Time to define when the field order is scheduled to be done.
Enter Reschedule Reason when changing the field order's schedule date/time.
Reschedule Reason only appears if the Fieldwork Options feature configuration exists with the Reschedule Reason Required option set to Y.
Field Order Status defines the state of the field order. The following values may exist:
Dispatched When the system creates a field order due to the dispatch of field activities, the system creates a field order in the Dispatched state. A field order remains in this state until the work is done. At that time, you can change the state to Work Done, Not Recorded. Alternatively, you can enter the results of the fieldwork (if available) and change the state to Completed. If the field order cannot be done for any reason, you should change the state to Canceled. Refer to How Does A Field Order Get Completed? for more information.
Work Done, Not Recorded You may change a field order to this state if you want to indicate the fieldwork has been done, but you don't have the necessary information to complete the order. After the completion information has been entered, you should change the status to Completed.
Note. You should only use this state if your organization keeps track of the state of dispatched field orders during the workday. If you don't do this, you can transition a field order from Dispatched directly to the Completed state.
Completed A Completed order is one where the fieldwork is done and the results have been entered into the system. An order can only be in this state if all of its field activities are in the state of completed or canceled.
Canceled You cancel an order when, for whatever reason, it cannot be done. You may uncancel an order by changing its status to an appropriate value.
Pended by User It should be rare to find a field order in this state as it is used when you want to hold a field order pending some event. A field order remains in this state until you decide what to do with it (either dispatch or cancel it). At that time, you change its status to an appropriate value.
To completely understand the significance of a field order's status, refer to The Big Picture Of Field Orders.
Enter Cancel Reason when canceling the order.
Cancel Reason only appears if the Fieldwork Options feature configuration exists with the Cancel Reason Required option set to Y.
The Display Field Order button displays an online image of the field order when clicked. This button is only available if there is at least one pending field activity linked to the field order. Refer to Online Field Order Image for more information.
You can only use the Display Field Order button if your system has been configured to display an on-line image; otherwise, a message indicating that the service is not available will appear. This option can only be configured by your technical staff. The system comes with a configuration to display field order images using a document composition application, but can work with other applications.
Data is Not a Snapshot. Unlike other online image displays, such as bill and letters, the data used to produce a field order is not snapshot data. It is always the latest and greatest data from the system. As a result, the Display Field Order button is only available for field orders with pending field work.
Turn on Extract in Next Run if the field order should be extracted (downloaded or interfaced) in the next extraction run. This switch is only selectable when the field order's status is Dispatched.
Default note. When a field order's status becomes Dispatched , the system automatically turns on Extract in Next Run.
Use Work Date/Time to define when the fieldwork was done. This field is gray when the status is anything other than Completed.
If the field order has been extracted, the Extract Date/ Time are displayed.
Use Dispatch Group to define the logical group of representatives located at an operations area that is responsible for the order.
Dispatch group comes from field activity. When the system creates a field order from the Dispatch Field Activities query it populates the order's dispatch group using the dispatch group on the field activity(s). After the field order is created, you can change the order's dispatch group as needed.
Dispatch group may be overridden as part of grouping field activities prior to dispatch. When a user creates a field order on the Group Field Activities page, the order's dispatch group is assigned Using Alternate Dispatch Groups To Find The Lowest Common Denominator for more information.
Worked By shows the representative that actually performed the fieldwork. This field is gray when the status is anything other than Completed.
The Representative is the individual (or crew) assigned to the field order and responsible for the actual performance of the field order's activities. Only representatives defined as valid for the field order's dispatch group may be assigned.
Use Schedule End Date/Time if an appointment has been scheduled for this field order. If so, these fields contain the date and time that the fieldwork should be finished.
Enter any Comments about the field order.
Enter a Phone Type, Phone Number, and Extension to record a phone number for the field representatives to use if they need to contact someone while in the field. The Phone Format for the phone number type is also displayed.
At the bottom of this page is a tree that shows the accounts, service agreements, field activities and appointments that are currently linked to the field order's service point(s). You can use this tree to both view high-level information about these objects and to transfer to the respective page in which an object is maintained.