BCU1 - Validate & Populate Billable Charge Upload Staging
This process has several functions:
It populates the SA ID on all BC upload staging records where SA ID is left blank. This means that you don't have to know the SA ID in order to interface a billable charge into the system. The program populates SA ID with the service agreement related to the SA relationship with the most recent effective date for a given combination of service provider's external system ID and customer's ID in the sender's system. The system can only do this if the following points are true:
You use the system's SA relationship functionality to define that you provide bill ready billing services for a service provider. On the customer's SA relationship record you must define the customer's ID in the service provider's system. Refer to Maintaining SA Relationships for more information.
You identify the service provider's external system ID on the billable charge upload staging record.
You identify the customer's ID in the sender's system.
You can still interface billable charges if you don't use the system's SA relationship functionality. How? You simply need to derive the SA ID associated with the uploaded billable charge.
It populates various fields (e.g., the GL distribution code, memo only switch) on the billable charge upload line records from the billable charge line type specified on each respective record.
Any validation / population errors detected during this process are written to the BC Upload Exception table. You can fix errors using BC Upload Staging page (don't forget to change the record's status back to Pending ).