Credit Note
The Credit Note button is used to cancel ALL bill segments and create a new bill that contains the cancellation details. We refer to this "negative bill" as a credit note. Refer to Credit Notes - Presenting Cancellation Details on a Separate Bill for more information.
This button is enabled if:
the Use Credit Notes option on the Installation record is turned on AND
the bill is not written off AND
The bill has frozen bill segments.
To create credit notes for all frozen bill segments, click the Credit Note button without selecting any bill segments. A system message asks for confirmation that credit notes will be created for all frozen bill segments.
To create credit notes for specific frozen bill segments, select just those bill segments.
When clicked, the Credit Note window opens.
You must specify the following parameters in the Credit Note window to cancel the frozen bill segments:
Cancel Reason defines why you are performing the cancellation.
Accounting Date defines the financial period to which the canceled bill segments' financial transactions are booked. The current date defaults when the window opens.
Credit Note Date defines the date of the credit note on which the cancellation details appear. The current date defaults when the window opens.
After specifying the parameters, click Calculate to cancel the frozen bill segments and create a credit note.
It should be noted that if this operation is successful, the new "negative bill" is complete. It is ready for transmission to the customer and for interface to the general ledger.
If you want to issue a credit note for a specific bill segment. Rather than cancel all bill segments on a bill, you can create a credit note for a specific bill segment on a bill. To do this, drill down on the bill segment in question and then click the Credit Note button on the bill segment page. You can also issue a credit note for selected bill segments on the next tab by selecting the desired bill segments and clicking the Credit Note button.