Bill Segment - Main Information
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To for a description of how to perform common bill maintenance functions.
The Main page contains core bill segment information. Open Menu > Financial > Bill Segment > Search to view this information.
Most bill segments are created by a background process. Refer to A High Level Overview Of The Bill Creation Process for information describing how the system creates a bill segment.
Description of Page
Bill Seg Info is a concatenation of the bill segment's division, SA type, status, bill period and amount. Bill Segment ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the bill segment.
Account ID references the bill segment's account.
Current Amount is the bill segment's effect on the service agreement's current balance. Payoff Amount is only shown if it differs from current amount. Refer to Billing - Current Balance versus Payoff Balance for more information.
Bill ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the bill on which the bill segment appears. A concatenation of its bill date, status, due date and amount is displayed.
SA ID contains information about the bill segment's service agreement. A concatenation of the service agreement's division, SA type, start option (if any), status and start date is displayed.
If the quotation module is not turned off, you can generate simulated bill segments when you create a quote. You can view simulated bill segments by drilling down on the desired bill segment from Quote - Quote Details. When a simulated bill segment is displayed on this page, the Billing Scenario ID that controlled the bill segment's billing period (and consumption) is displayed. Refer to Creating Quotes And Quote Details for more information.
Period is the start and end dates of the bill segment.
Usage Period is the period used by the meter data management system to determine the correct interval data to process for the bill segment. This field appears when the bill segment is for an SA that has Bill Determinants Required for the special role flag.
Bill Cycle displays the bill cycle and window start date of the bill segment's bill. This information is only populated on bills when they are generated on-schedule by the batch billing background process. Bills generated manually, i.e. off-schedule, do not have this information.
Status is the bill segment's status. Refer to Bill Segment Lifecycle for the potential values and how to handle a bill segment when it exists in a given state.
If the Closing switch is on, this is the final bill segment for the service agreement (i.e., the service agreement has been stopped and this is the final bill segment).
The closing switch is not set for sub SA bill segments nor billable charge SA bill segments.
If the Estimate switch is on, consumption on this bill segment has been estimated by the system. Refer to The Theory Behind Consumption Estimation for more information.
If the SQ Override switch is on, a user has overridden the service quantities (i.e., the amount of consumption for which the customer is charged is not consistent with the customer's meter reads). This switch is also set if a user has overridden the calculation/audit read details. Refer to How To Override Service Quantities On A Specific Bill Segment for more information.
If the Item Override switch is on, a user has overridden the type and/or number of items (i.e., the type/number of items for which the customer is charged is not consistent with the customer's service point information). Refer to How To Override The Items Billed On A Specific Bill Segment for more information.
If this bill segment was created for a sub service agreement where we calculate the charges (i.e., not for a "pass through" billing situation):
SA Rel ID shows the unique identifier of the record that defines the relationship between the sub service agreement and the master service agreement (this record shows the service provider associated with the bill segment). Click the go to button to transfer to this record.
Master Bseg ID shows the unique identifier of the master bill segment whose bill triggered the creation of this sub service agreement. This bill segment's consumption was used to calculate the charges on this bill segment.
Premise is the address of the main premise associated with the service agreement (as defined on the service agreement's characteristic premise). It's important to note that the service agreement may cover service at multiple premises, but only one may be defined as the main premise.
Create Dt/Tm is the date and time on which the bill segment was created or regenerated.
In the Message area, a brief error message appears if there's a problem with the bill segment. The message area is suppressed if there are no problems with the bill.
Push the magnifying glass button to view the long explanation. The long explanation will provide information about the cause of the error (and how to fix it).
If the bill segment is a rebill of a canceled bill segment, a reference to the original bill segment is displayed. Click the adjacent go to button to transfer to the bill segment that was canceled.
If the bill segment was canceled and rebilled by another segment, a reference to the new bill segment is displayed. Click the adjacent go to button to transfer to the new bill segment that superseded the canceled segment.
The topics that follow describe each of the actions on that appear in the Bill Segment Actions area. Refer to How To for a description of typical business processes that use these buttons.
Mass update actions. This page allows you to work on individual bill segments. If you want to update many bill segments linked to a bill at once, try using the mass update actions available on Bill -Bill Segments.