Rebill (Bill Segment)
If problems are detected with a frozen bill segment, it should be canceled and a new bill segment should be created. We refer to this process as cancel / rebill. Refer to Cancel / Rebill Incorrect Bill Segments for more information.
Before you cancel / rebill, you'll probably need to fix the cause of the problem. The following table describes common problems and where to go to fix them.
How To Fix It
The wrong rate was used
Go to Service Agreement - Rate Info and correct the rate.
The wrong meter read was used
Add a meter read with a more powerful read type for the service point in question.
The wrong meter was connected to the service point
Go to SP / Meter Installation and correct the SP / Meter linkage. Then go to Service Agreement - SA / SP and indicate the appropriate start read for the service point's correct meter.
A contract rider was applied incorrectly
Go to Service Agreement - Rate Info and correct the contract rider information.
The wrong tax exemption amount was calculated
Go to Service Agreement - Rate Info and correct the tax exemption information.
Multi-Cancel/Rebill Saves Time. If the cause of the problem impacts many bill segments related to a service agreement, you should use the Multi Cancel Rebill transaction as it allows you to cancel / rebill an unlimited number of bill segments at once.
Credit Notes. Using the cancel/rebill functionality will cause the cancel and rebill details to be swept on to the customer's next bill unless you Reopen the bill. If your organization requires cancellation details to be presented to the customer separately from the new bill, you should not use the Rebill functionality. Rather, you should issue a Credit Note and then generate a new bill containing the revised charges.
The Rebill button causes an existing bill segment to be canceled, and a new bill segment to be created.
This button is enabled when you display a Frozen bill segment AND the bill segment's bill is not written off AND the bill segment's bill is not linked to an off cycle bill generator. Refer to Bill Segment Lifecycle for more information about these status values.
When clicked, the Rebill window opens.
You must specify the following parameters to cancel and rebill a new bill segment:
Cancel Reason defines why the bill segment is being canceled.
Cutoff Date is the last day of the new bill segment. The cutoff date on the bill segment defaults when the window opens.
Accounting Date is used to define the financial period to which the canceled and new bill segments' financial transactions will be booked. The current date defaults when the window opens.
Turn on Allow Estimates if the system is allowed to estimate consumption if it can't find a meter read.
Use the Billing Option to define how the system looks for meter reads. Select Use Schedule if the system should select reads based on the SA's SP's service cycle schedule. Select Use Cut off Date if the system should only select reads from the end date of the existing bill segment.
Turn on Use Old Read/Item/SQ for Regen if you want the system to use the consumption details on the original bill segment when it calculates the new bill segment.
Click the Calculate button to cancel the original bill segment and create a new bill segment.
At this point, there are now two bill segments - the original bill segment is in the state of Pending Cancel, the new bill segment is in the Freezable (or Error ) state. If you want to back out, click the go to button to return to the original bill segment and then click Undo (this will delete the new bill segment and return the original bill segment to the Frozen state). If the new bill segment looks correct, click Freeze to move the original bill segment to the Canceled state and the new bill segment to the Frozen state.