Multi Cancel/Rebill - Main
The main page is used to select the bill segments to be cancel/rebilled and to initiate the cancel/rebill request. Open Menu > Financial > Multi-Cancel/Rebill to use this function.
Description of Page
This page contains all non-cancelled bill segments associated with a given SA ID. The service agreement's SA Info, Account ID (and name), characteristic Premise (and address), Current Balance and Payoff Balance are displayed at the top of page.
When the page first opens, the grid is populated with ALL non-cancelled bill segments displayed in reverse chronology order. All frozen bill segments are pre-selected for cancel/rebill processing. The following information appears in the grid:
Selected Switch. If this switch is turned on, the bill segment will be cancel / rebilled when the Cancel/Rebill/Freeze button is clicked. You can use the mouse to toggle the value of this switch on a specific bill segment. Alternatively, you can click the Select All button or Clear All button to toggle the switch for all frozen bill segments. The checkbox is disabled if the bill segment's bill is written off. Note: the total number of selected bill segments is shown above the grid for confirmation purposes.
Start Date. This is the first day of the bill segment.
End Date. This is the last day of the bill segment.
Create Date/Time. This is the day/time the bill segment was created.
Amount. This is the payoff amount of the bill segment.
Original Amount. This column only contains a value if the bill segment is a rebill of another bill segment. In this situation, one of the following values will be displayed:
If the amount of the new bill segment differs from the amount of the original bill segment, the amount of the original bill segment will be displayed.
If the amount of the new bill segment equals the amount of the original bill segment, the word No change will be displayed.
Bill Segment Information. This is the standard bill segment summary information.
Sorting By Values In The Grid. Just like all grids in the system, you can click on a column heading to resort the grid by the value of the respective column. This might be useful to sort the bill segments in Amount order.
After selecting the bill segments to be cancel/rebilled, click the Cancel/Rebill/Freeze button. When this button is clicked, an additional informational page displays. Specify the following information and then click Calculate to cancel the selected bill segment and create new bill segments:
Cancel Reason defines why the bill segment(s) are being canceled.
Accounting Date is used to define the financial period to which the canceled and new bill segments' financial transactions will be booked.
Turn on Allow Estimates if the system is allowed to estimate consumption if it can't find a meter read.
Use the Billing Option to define how the system looks for meter reads:
Select Use Schedule if the system should select reads based on the SA's SP's service cycle schedule.
Select Use Cut off Date if the system should only select reads from the end date of the existing bill segment.
Select Use Schedule if the system should select reads based on the SA's SP's service cycle schedule.
Select Use Cut off Date if the system should only select reads from the end date of the existing bill segment.
If you'd prefer to have the system use the consumption details snapshot on the original bill segments, turn on Use Old Read/Item/SQ. If this switch is on then neither Allow Estimates nor Billing Option is relevant.
The Use Old Read/Item/SQ switch is not available if the bill's SA references an SA type with a special role flag of Bill Determinants Required.
If the cause of the rebill is an incorrect rate and the new rate requires service quantities that were not calculated when the bill was originally calculated, do not turn on Use Old Read/Item/SQ. Why? Because you want the system to derive new service quantities during the rebill process.
Default note. The Accounting Date is defaulted to the current date and the Use Old Read/Item/SQ switch is turned on.
After specifying the above information, the system cancel / rebills each segment in chronological order (i.e., earlier segments will be cancel / rebilled before later segments). The new amount of each bill segment is shown in the Original Amount column. You can navigate to the Graph page to graphically view the financial ramifications of the cancel/rebills.
Errors. It's possible that bill segment errors will occur when you cancel / rebill the bill segments. For example, if you change the SA's rate to a rate that requires a unit-of-measure that doesn't exist on the SA's meter, a bill segment error will be generated. If this occurs, you must go to Bill Segment - Main for the pending cancel bill segment and use the Undo action to remove the offending bill segment (and restore the original segment to the Frozen state). Alternatively, you can drill down on the Error bill segment and use the Regenerate action after correcting the cause of the problem.
There is no Undo. Unlike cancel / rebills performed on Bill Segment - Main, there is no Undo action. This is because the multi-cancel/rebill transaction freezes the newly created bill segments after it cancel/rebills; whereas the bill segment transaction lets you examine the new bill segment before you freeze it. If you made a mistake, simply correct the cause of the mistake and then cancel / rebill again. The erroneous financial transactions will be automatically suppressed on the next bill produced for the customer.
Usage Requests. If a bill segment is linked to a service agreement that requires bill determinants from Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, an off cycle bill generator (OCBG) is created to perform the cancel/rebill. Refer to Multi Cancel/Rebill — Usage Requests for more details on the off cycle bill generator. If the bill segment needs to wait on its usage request to complete, a message will appear on this grid indicating that cancel/rebill is in progress. The checkboxes for these bill segments and the Cancel/Rebill, Select All and Clear All buttons will all be disabled. You will need to refresh the page to check the progress of rebilling.