Payment Event Upload Staging - Main
This page shows the details of a payment event upload staging record.
Refer to Populating The Payment Event Upload Staging Records for more information about this record.
Open this page using Menu > Financial > Payment Event Upload Staging > Search.
Description of Page
External Source ID corresponds with an external source ID on one of the your tender sources. This should be the unique ID of the source of the interfaced payments. Refer to Setting Up Tender Sources for more information.
External Transmission ID is the unique identifier of the transmission of payments from the external source. This must be a unique value for each transmission from the source.
Sequence is the identifier of the record within the transmission. The C1-PEPL1 process uses this field to organize the parallel threads.
Accounting Date is the payment date that should be used for accounting purposes.
Distribution Rule is the rule by which the payment detail is to be processed. A default distribution rule is displayed if you have set one.
Rule Value is a value associated with the payment and expected by the distribution rule.
Match Type and Match Value are only used if the distribution of the payment should be restricted in some way (i.e., the standard payment distribution algorithm should not be used). Match Type indicates how the payment should be distributed (e.g., only distribute to a specific service agreement), Match Value indicates the ID of the restriction (e.g., the service agreement ID).
Payor Account ID is the tender account. If not populated the C1-PEPL1 process populates this field by calling the Determine Tender Account algorithm defined on the distribution rule.
Tender Amount is the amount tendered (i.e., the payment amount).
Currency Code is the currency of the tendered amount. This should be the same as currency defined on the tender source.
Tender Type defines the form or remittance (e.g., cash, check, etc.). Note that the Tender Type defaults from the installation record.
Authorizing Tenders. The Tender Type dropdown list does not include tender types that require authorization (i.e. credit card payments).
For information about tender types requiring authorization, refer to Credit Card Payments.
Check Number is the check number on the payment.
MICR ID is the value of the magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) line on the payment.
External Reference ID may be used to record external information associated with the payment tender.
Customer ID may be used to record additional customer information.
Name may be used to record additional payment tender information.
Tender Control ID is the tender control associated with the payment. This field is should typically be left for the C1-PEPL1 process to populate.
If the Tender Type is associated with an automatic payment, the Auto Pay section displays. The system attempts to default automatic payment information from the account's auto-pay option if the tender type is the same as the tender type on the account's auto-pay source and if the auto pay option is effective on the payment date. If the system is unable to default information, you must specify the source of the funds and the customer's account number / credit card number at the financial institution.
Auto Pay Source is the financial institution / credit card company that receives the automatic payment request.
External Account ID is the customer's account number at the financial institution.
Expires On is only needed if the Tender Type indicates that an expiration date is necessary (e.g., for a credit card payment).
Name is the customer's name in the financial institution's system.
Pay Event Process ID is used to group multiple staging records into a single payment event. If not populated, the C1-PEPL1 process sets this field equal to the Payor Account ID.
Pay Event Staging Status shows the state of the staging record. Refer to The Lifecycle of a Payment Event Upload Staging for a state transition overview.
Payment Event ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the related payment event. The C1-PEPL2 process populates this field when it creates a payment event for the upload staging record. You can use this field to navigate to the payment event page.
If a staging record is in Error state then the error message associated with the corresponding To Do entry is displayed.