Payment - Manual Distribution
You can use this page to view service agreements linked to the payment's account and to manually distribute a payment amongst specific service agreements.
Open this page using Menu > Financial > Payment > Search and navigate to the Manual Distribution page.
Most payments are maintained using the Payment Event page. The transaction described below is typically only used to view a payment's payment segments and to manually distribute a payment amongst an account's service agreements.
If the payment's account has more than 25 service agreements, the search criteria are intentionally left blank in order to avoid retrieving all service agreements (with the resultant slow response times). You must therefore use the SA Filter to define the type of service agreements that should be retrieved. See the Description of page below for more information about this page's search criteria.
Description of page
Payment Info contains a concatenation of important information about the payment.
Payment ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the payment.
If the payment's account has more than 25 service agreements, the search criteria are intentionally left blank in order to avoid retrieving all service agreements (with the resultant slow response times). You must therefore use the SA Filter to define the type of service agreements that should be retrieved.
Use the SA Filter to define the types of service agreements that appear in the grid. The following options are available:
Address. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to service points associated with a given Address, City and/or Postal code. Note, you can specify any combination of these fields.
All. Use this option if you want to view all service agreements.
Geographic Type. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to service points associated with a given Geographic Type and Geographic Value.
SA Type. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to a given CIS Division and SA Type.
Don't forget to click the search button after changing the SA Filter.
The grid that follows contains the service agreements that match your search criteria. The following information appears in the grid:
Premise contains the characteristic premise associated with the service agreement.
SA Information contains summary information about the service agreement.
Distributed Amt is the amount of the service agreement's debt relieved by the payment. This field is gray after the payment is frozen.
Billed Amt is the amount that was billed for the service agreement on the bill preceding the payment date.
Delinquent Amt is the amount of debt associated with financial transactions that appear on overdue bills.
Current Balance is the amount currently owing for this service agreement.
If the account being paid is an open item account, then an alternate grid is displayed. The alternate grid is designed to break down payable balances by individual bill and service agreement. Both unpaid bill balances and new charges are displayed. After distribution, a separate match event will be created for each bill paid or partially paid.
that an implementation can override the type of grid displayed for open item accounts by setting up a Financial Transaction Options Feature Configuration with an Always Use Manual Payment Distribution By SA option set to Y. With this in place, the system will always display the manual distribution by service agreement grid.
The open item manual distribution grid contains the following columns:
Bill Date
Shows bill date if the row contains an account's unpaid bill.
Shows 'New Charges ' if the row contains an account's unbilled new charges.
Shows 'Payment Segment ' for the following conditions:
Row is a pay segment of a cancelled payment.
Row is a pay segment of an overpayment to the highest priority SA or an excess credit SA.
Row is a pay segment of a balance forward payment distribution.
Premise Information contains the characteristic premise associated with the service agreement.
SA Information contains summary information about the service agreement.
Distributed Amount
You can enter an amount to distribute if the payment is non-frozen and non-cancelled, otherwise, this field is protected.
Billed Amount
The amount that was billed for the service agreement on the row's bill. If the row does not represent a bill amount then this will be zero.
Unpaid Amount
This is determined by the "determine open-item bill amount" algorithm as defined on the installation option.
This column will contain zero if:
The row is linked to an open non-disputed match event with other bills' FTs on it. In this case, it is not possible to determine the bill amount.
The row is linked to an open disputed match event.
For either grid, the following information appears at the bottom of the page:
Payment Amount is the amount of the payment.
Distributed Amount is the sum of the payment segments linked to the payment.
The Difference between the Payment Amount and the Distributed Amount appears if it is non-zero.
Billed Amount is the amount of the bill preceding the payment date.
Delinquent Amount is the amount of the customer's debt that was due on / before the prior bill's due date.
Current Balance is the account's current balance.