Payment Quick Add
The Payment Quick Add page is used to quickly add, distribute and freeze payment events for up to fifteen accounts. Open this page using Menu > Financial > Payment Quick Add.
Description of Page
Specify the Tender Control ID in which the tenders will be recorded. Every new tender must reference an open tender control. The system will attempt to default an appropriate tender control as follows:
If the user has at least one open, user-specific Tender Control whose type is online cashiering or ad hoc, the system will default one, at random.
If the user has no open, user-specific Tender Controls; the system will default an open, "all users" tender control if it can find one whose tender source has a tender source type of online cashiering or ad hoc. If multiple exist, one will be selected at random.
Specify the Payment Date. The current date defaults.
Enter one row in the grid for every payment event to be added. The following information is entered for each payment event:
Use Account ID to define the customer who tendered the payment. It's important to note that this transaction assumes that the tendering account is the same as the account whose balance is relieved by the payment. Refer to How To Allocate The Tender Amount To Multiple Accounts if you need to distribute the payment to an account (or accounts) other than the tendering account.
Cash-Only customers. You cannot use this transaction to add a payment for a "cash-only" account if the tender type is not "like cash". An account is considered cash-only if its cash-only points exceed the cash-only threshold maintained on the Installation record. A customer's cash-only points are maintained on Account - Credit Rating. You must use the Payment Event transaction to add such a payment (note, if you use the Account context menu to transfer to the Payment Event page in add mode, you won't have to retype the Account ID when you add the payment event).
Use Payment Amount to define the amount of the payment.
Use Tender Type to define the form or remittance (e.g., cash, check, etc.). Note, the Tender Type defaults from the installation record.
Authorizing Tenders. The Tender Type dropdown list does not include tender types that require authorization (i.e. credit card payments).
For information about tender types requiring authorization, refer to Credit Card Payments.
Use Check Number if a check is remitted.
Match Type and Match Value are only used if either of the following conditions is true:
This Account ID belongs to an open item customer class. In this situation, specify a Match Type to define how the payment should be matched to the customer's open-items and use Match Value to define the open-items covered by the payment. For example, if this payment is in respect of a bill, specify a match type of "bill id" and a match value of the bill id being paid.
Shortcut. If you enter a Match Type of "bill id" and leave the Match Value blank, we assume the customer wants to pay the latest bill.
The customer wants to restrict the distribution of the payment to a specific service agreement. In this situation, specify a Match Type of "service agreement ID" and a Match Value of the respective service agreement ID.
After specifying the various accounts and amounts in the grid, click the Distribute and Freeze button. When you click this button, the system attempts to create a payment event for each row in the grid. Four potential outcomes are possible for each row:
If the data you entered for a payment event isn't complete (e.g., you don't specify a valid account or amount):
No payment event is created.
A Message describing the problem is displayed.
All fields on the row remain modifiable.
You should correct each such line and then press the Distribute and Freeze button.
If the data you entered is complete, but the system issues a warning (e.g., the account is considered "cash-only" and a tender type other than cash is remitted, or if the account already has a payment for this amount on this date):
No payment event is created.
A Message containing the warning is displayed.
All fields on the row remain modifiable.
You must clear the line and add a payment using the Payment Event transaction (note, if you use the Account context menu to transfer to the Payment Event page in add mode, you won't have to retype the Account ID when you add the payment event).
If the data you entered is complete, but the system is not successful in distributing the payment:
The system creates a payment event, a payment and a tender.
A Message describing the problem is displayed.
The payment's Status is displayed
All fields on the row are disabled.
You must press the adjacent go to button to drill to the payment event where the error can be corrected.
If the data you entered is complete and the system is successful in distributing the payment:
The system creates a payment event, a payment, and a tender.
The system distributes the payment amongst the account's service agreements and then freezes the payment.
The payment's Status is displayed.
All fields on the row are disabled.
If your implementation is configured for printing at a cashier station, the Print dialog appears. Refer to How To Print Receipts and Endorsements for more details.
You can press the adjacent go to button to view a payment event.
Separate Commits. This page is unusual in that each payment event is committed to the database independently. For example, if you enter seven payment events and one is invalid, six payment events will be added to the database when you press Distribute and Freeze. When the page is redisplayed, the rows containing the valid payments are protected and an indication of their validity is displayed. The row containing the invalid payment remains unprotected. You can correct the erroneous payment and then press the Distribute and Freeze button again.
After you've added a group of payments, you should press the clear button (or Alt-C), to ready the page for the next group of payment events.