Third Party Payment Tender Controls Processing
A third party payment processing system handles two types of payments:  one time payments and recurring automatic bill payments.
The third party payment processing system sets the daily cutoff time for payment processing. For instance, a third party payment processor could set the default daily processing cutoff time to 8pm Eastern Time. But each implementation can override this processing cutoff time.  The third party’s processing cutoff time is defined in the Third Party Payment Processing Integration master configuration.
For recurring bill auto pays, the system will create the payment event, payment (non-frozen), tender and auto pay staging record.  The Tender Control ID is not assigned until a batch process runs and creates the tender and deposit controls for the extracted auto pay transactions.
For one time payments, the assumption is that tender and deposit control processing will be handled in the same way as the recurring auto pays.  The one time payment's tender will not be linked to a tender control at one time payment tender creation time.  Instead, the tender control will be created in batch, similar to how recurring auto pay tender controls are created.
The base product provides two batch processes for Third Party Auto Pay Tender Controls (C1–TAPCT) and Third Party One Time Payment Tender Controls (C1–TOPCT). For a third party one time payment, a pre-processing batch process C1–TOPPP takes the place of the usual auto pay extract process. This is because third party one time payment auto pays are used purely for tender controls processing and are not sent out to the third party payment processing.
The following sections describe these batch processes.