How Are Severance Processes (and their Events) Canceled?
Refer to How Are Severance Processes Cancelled for a description of how the system automatically cancels a severance process.
Real time cancellation. Unlike collection processes, the system cancels severance processes real time (i.e., there is no equivalent of the collection process monitor for severance processes). Why are severance processes canceled real time? Because a severance process may have events that create field activities to sever service. These events need to be canceled the moment the FT is frozen, we can't wait until a background process runs. This means that if a customer pays in person for a service agreement that is pending severance, the system will cancel the process and its field activities (if any) the moment the payment is entered. The logic to cancel the field activities is in an algorithm plugged in on the installation record.
Refer to Setting Up Severance Process Templates for more information about severance process templates. Refer to Designing Your Reconnection Procedures for more information about how severance processes are used to reconnect services.
Besides the automated cancellation process, a user may cancel a severance process at will.