TOU Pricing Calc Details - Details
To navigate to this page, you must first go to Menu > Financial > Bill Segment > Search and display a bill segment with TOU data in its calculation lines. From the Calc Lines tab, you may choose to audit a bill line that is the result of a TOU pricing rate component that has an audit algorithm. Once on the Calc Details page, you may navigate to the Details tab.
Description of Page
The top section of this page is the same as the main page.
Use the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time to indicate a range of data to display.
The detailed grid displays the Date/Time and the Quantity for each interval that was mapped to the time of use code associated with this bill line. Use the context menu button at the right of the amount column to navigate to either the Interval Data page or the TOU Data page to view the source data.
The Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed in legal time or standard time. If the seasonal time shift record on the interval profile type of the first profile matches the seasonal time shift record on the classic TOU map type of the first classic TOU map for the period, the intervals are displayed in legal time, according to this seasonal time shift record. Otherwise, the data is displayed in standard time.
Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.