Marketing to Prospects from a Marketing List
The following business process flow illustrates how the sales and marketing functionality would be used to market to prospects uploaded from a marketing database.
The following points describe the steps in this business process:
An upload interface creates an order for each entry in a marketing database.
The system is not supplied with a dedicated interface to upload a marketing list.
Each order is routed to a salesperson via a To Do entry (or via a predictive dialer if your company supports this type of technology).
The first step in the salesperson's interaction with the prospect will be to confirm the information uploaded from the marketing list (e.g., is your Bob Smith?, is your address 15 Main St?, etc.). Any changes are made to the information saved on the order.
The salesperson's next step involves posing eligibility-oriented questions related to the campaign. Examples of questions include:
What is your date of birth? This type of question might be asked if you have packages that are only marketed to senior citizens. Potential answers would be a valid date that's in the past.
Would you be interested in our full-service option (electricity, digital cable and gas)? Potential options are: yes and no.
Who is your current electric service provider? Potential answers are: Utility.Com, Reliant Resources, Other.
Would you like to pay automatically? Potential answers are: Yes, No.
Would you like to pay using a levelized payment plan? Potential answers are: Yes, No.
The gathered information is saved on the order and then the system displays the packages that can be offered to the customer. The available packages may be restricted based on information on the order. For example, some packages are only applicable to senior citizens, while others are only applicable to customers whose current service provider is
If the customer is interested in a package, the salesperson selects it. Prior to the order being completed, the package confirmation page is shown. On this page are additional instructions about the package and a description of how the system will be updated if the package is selected (e.g., the types of service agreements will be displayed). In addition, the package may require additional information before it can be chosen. For example, the package may only be selectable if the customer agrees to pay automatically. In this situation, the package confirmation page will require the salesperson to enter the customer's bank and bank account.
After entering all package-specific information, the order is completed. When the order is completed, the "V" is setup and all work necessary to satisfy the order is initiated (e.g., field activities are created, workflow processes are initiated, etc.).
And finally, the user is returned to Control Central - Account Info where an overview of the customer is displayed. From this page, the user can drill down to any service agreement (or to start/stop) to perform any fine-tuning.
Please be aware that the page to which you are transferred after order completion is controlled by a field on the order's campaign. In our example, it made sense to transfer the user to Control Central as it provides a nice confirmation to the user (it shows a great deal of information about an account). However, you could setup the campaign to take the user to virtually any page in the system. You'll see good examples later in this discussion.