Order - Log
This page contains an audit trail of significant events that transpired in the history of this order.
Open this page using Menu > Sales & Marketing > Order > Search and navigate to the Log page.
Description of Page
Order contains a concatenation of the customer's name, campaign, package (if the order is completed), status and start date. Order ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the order. These values only appear after the order is added to the database.
Status contains the state of the order. Refer to Lifecycle of an Order for information about the valid values and the state transition rules. Additional information may also be displayed based on the status:
If the order's status is Held, the following information is also displayed: the hold reason, the name of the user who held the order, and the date and time when a reminder for the order is due to be created.
If the order's status is Canceled, the following information is also displayed: the cancel reason, the name of the user who canceled the order, and the date and time when the order was canceled.
If the order's status is Complete, the following information is also displayed: the name of the user who completed the order and the date and time when the order was completed.
Press the Hold button to hold a Pending order. Refer to Order - Hold Dialog for a description of the pop-up window used to hold an order.
Press the Cancel button to cancel a Pending or Held order. Refer to Order - Cancel Dialog for a description of the pop-up window used to cancel an order.
Campaign contains basic information about the order's campaign.
Package only appears if the order has been completed. It contains basic information about the package.
Start Date contains the date on which the service agreement's created by the order will be started.
The Log contains an audit trail of significant events that transpired in the history of this order. There are two types of entries in the log:
The system automatically adds log entries when key events occur. These entries may not be removed or changed.
Users may add log entries by pressing the + button and then specifying the Details.