Setup Sequence
And now you're ready to set up your campaign. The following points describe the order in which this should be done:
We have assumed that you have already designed your organization's SP types, SA types, start options and rates. If you have not yet done this, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the concepts described in Designing SP Types, Rates and Defining Service Agreement Types before designing your campaigns and packages.
Setup any new column references required by the campaign's miscellaneous fields. You will have to leave the retrieve, validate and post algorithms blank until after the next step.
Setup any new algorithms required by:
The packages' eligibility rules.
The packages' start methods.
The campaign's eligibility rules.
The campaign's column references.
Update the relevant column references with the appropriate retrieve, validate and post algorithms.
Setup any new characteristic types required by the campaign's miscellaneous fields.
Create the campaign using the information you designed above. Specifically:
You defined the question and miscellaneous fields under Determine The Properties Of Every Miscellaneous Field.
You defined the eligibility rules under Determine The Eligibility Rules For The Campaign.
You defined everything else under Determine How The Campaign Behaves.
We recommend leaving the campaign's status as Inactive until all packages are entered.
Create the campaign's packages using the information you designed above. Specifically:
You defined the question and miscellaneous field overrides under Determine If Any Properties Are Overridden On A Package.
You defined the eligibility rules under Determine Package Eligibility Rules .
You defined the instructions under Determine If Additional Instructions Are Required.
Change the campaign's status to Active.
The default campaign on the installation record. If the campaign you've setup is the "default" campaign used when a user presses the Add Order button on Control Central, make sure to specify it as the default campaign on the installation record. Refer to Setting up a New Customer Prior To Starting Service for more information.