How To Set Up Calculation Algorithm Rate Components
Calculation Algorithm rate components are used when none of the other rate components will provide you with the functionality you need.
First, you must select a Calc Algorithm. This calculation algorithm will have the responsibility of producing your bill lines. All rate component options become available when you use this rate component type, based on the assumption that it is generally capable of doing anything you might require.
If you plan to use this method, you must set up this algorithm in the system. This can be done with the following options:
Create a new algorithm (refer to Setting Up Algorithms ).
On this algorithm, reference an Algorithm Type that calculates a rate component.
The calculation algorithm's main purpose is to create bill calculation lines. However, the algorithm may populate other information for the bill, for example, it may add to the SQ or register read collection or it may overwrite the description on bill.
If you wish to provide your users with the ability to audit the bill lines created by a rate component of this type, you may indicate an Audit Algorithm. Currently the only types of audit algorithms supplied by the system are those which audit interval pricing details or those which audit TOU pricing details.
Refer to Setting Up Interval Pricing Rate Components and Setting Up TOU Pricing Rate Components for more information about the audit algorithms provided with the system.
All the other fields on the page are optional fields available to you for use by your calculation algorithm.
Turn on Error if No Value if a bill error should be generated if the UOM / TOU / SQI specified on the rate component was not supplied at billing time.
Turn on the Derive SQ switch when your calculation algorithm will be creating entries in the SQ array for the UOM / TOU / SQI defined on your rate component. In this case, the system will not attempt to locate an entry in the SQ collection matching the rate component's UOM / TOU / SQI before calling your calculation algorithm.
Enter the verbiage to appear on the customer's bill in Description On Bill and turn on the Print switch. Refer to How to use Description on Bill for more information about these fields.
Move to the GL Distribution window to define how any additional revenue associated with the minimum charge should be booked in the general ledger.