CPCRRETR - Capital Credit Retirement
Calculation Method. There are various calculations that different cooperatives may use when determining the amount to retire. The base product has provided one calculation method.
This background process is run when a cooperative is ready to pay out allocated capital credits to its members. This process is referred to as retirement. The result of this process is the creation of new service credit events for capital credit memberships. Capital credits are paid as the cooperative's financial position permits. During that time, this job could be run a number of times for any of the following reasons:
You may choose to run the process and create pending events to review the results prior to finalizing the retirement. When you are happy with the results, a final run should be executed with an indication that the events should be created as complete. Every time the process runs, it will first remove any pending events for the same input event type and subcategory.
If the cooperative has more than one subcategory, the process may be run separately for each subcategory. You may also run the process with no subcategory indicated and then all subcategories are processed.
Partial Retirement. For some cooperatives there may be capital credits for some allocated amounts that are never retired. If that is the case, simply run this process for each subcategory whose amounts do get retired.
You must provide the service credit event type to use for the new events. This process determines the membership type related to the event type. The process then finds all pending and active memberships for this membership type.
This process receives a percentage to retire as input. It determines the current balance of all completed events for the subcategory. The retirement amount for the subcategory is calculated as the current balance * input percentage to retire. The process then determines the outstanding balance for each subcategory and fiscal year combination. For every combination that still has a balance, the process creates events to relieve the outstanding balance for the oldest fiscal year first. It creates events for subsequent fiscal years until the full retirement amount is used.
In order for the process to be rerunnable and restartable, a Control ID is used to mark retirement events that are created by the process. The Control ID is input to the routine and is determined by the user. When the process runs, it determines whether an event already exists for the subcategory / Control ID combination. If so, new events are not created for that subcategory. If you run the process multiple times for the reasons described above, you should use the same Control ID each time. This way the system knows that the process is being run again for the same retirement calculation.
Refer to CPCRRETR for more information.