Service Credit Event - Main
Open this page using Menu > Customer Information > Service Credit Event > Search.
Description of Page
The Service Credit Event Info is a concatenation of important details about the service credit event. The Service Credit Event ID is a unique system-assigned random number. These values only appear after the service credit event exists on the database.
Service Credit Event Status defines the state of the service credit event.
Refer to Lifecycle of a Service Credit Event for more information.
Click the Complete button to change a Pending event to Complete. When this button is clicked, the system executes any event completion algorithms that are linked to the service credit event type.
Click the Transfer button to transfer this event to another membership. When this button is clicked, you are prompted to provide the membership ID to transfer the event to. The new membership must have the same membership type as the original membership. Refer to Events May Be Transferred for more information.
Click the Cancel button to cancel this event. When this button is clicked, the system executes any event cancellation algorithms that are linked to the service credit event type.
The Create Date/Time captures the date and time that this event was created. This defaults to the system date/time.
Indicate the service credit Membership ID to which this event should be linked.
Indicate the Service Credit Event Type. This field may define algorithms to be executed when the event is completed or canceled. Refer to Setting Up Service Credit Event Types for more information.
If your service credit membership type indicates one or more subcategories to be associated with events for this type of membership, indicate the appropriate Subcategory Name for this event.
If your service credit membership type indicates that fiscal year is required, indicate the appropriate Fiscal Year for this event.
Enter the Service Credit Event Amount. If your service credit membership type indicates that your membership has a balance, this amount is used to calculate the overall balance for the membership as well as a balance for the subcategory and/or fiscal year, if applicable.
If this event was created as a result of a transfer from another membership, the Transferred From Event ID is displayed.
If the information about this event may be downloaded to a third party system, you should have an event completion algorithm that stamps the appropriate Batch Control and Batch Number onto the event.
The FT collection displays information about financial transactions related to this event. Two different categories of financial transactions may be linked to the event.
FTs that contributed to this event. These financial transactions played a part in the creation of this event. For example, if frequent flier miles are earned as a result of newly created bill segments, the FTs related to these bill segments are linked to the event and marked as contributed to FTs. This information is purely for audit purposes. It is the responsibility of the algorithm or background process that creates the event to populate the collection of contributed to FTs. Refer to How Events Are Created for more information.
The amount of the contributed to FTs will not necessarily add up to the amount of the event. Refer to the algorithm or background process that calculates the amount of the event to understand how the event amount is calculated based on the amount of the contributed to FTs
FTs that were created by this event. These financial transactions are created as a result of this event. For example, if you have generated a capital credit allocation event, perhaps you need to post information to the general ledger. An allocation event should therefore generate an adjustment to post the effect on the GL. The adjustment's FT is linked to the event as an audit. In order to create a financial transaction related to this event, you must plug in an appropriate event completion algorithm on your service credit event type.
Refer to An Event May Cause Other Actions to Occur for more information.